frequency of spreads affect outlook?


As I'm trying to learn tarot still I do spreads frequently enough.

Do you think if you do one spread the tarot knows when you will be doing it again- umm.. how do I say it.

For instance if I did a CC today and then decided to do one tomorrow as well does that cancel out the first one, or rather, did the first tarot give me an outlook knowing I would be doing another one in 24 hours. ahhhh I'm driving myself nuts trying to put this into words.. lack of sleep, headaches make it hard to put thoughts into words.

Does anyone know what I am talking about?



Hi wandering_star,

You can do spreads all day long, if you'd like. The cards don't care...UNLESS YOU ARE DOING SPREADS ON THE SAME QUESTION(S).

For example: you do a Celtic cross on the relationship between you and your girl/boyfriend. Then you do another CC on the same question the next day. And the next.

The first reading gave insight as to how things may turn out based on the energies of that moment, and if those energies remain the same. Reading again on the same subject 24 hours later, even with a different spread, will give the same result but in a different way (different cards to say basically the same thing as the first reading), because the energies have not changed, nor has your question.

Eventually, your cards will rebel and stop speaking to you (cards will turn up that make no sense, lots of reversals [if you read with them], things like that). My suggestion: give it at least a week or two between reading on the exact same question, unless something major happens to affect that issue.

BTW: Some beginners find a Celtic Cross to be a bit much. Actually, a CC is a bit much for frequent spread work, although there are those who use it exclusively with no problems; however they tend to be more seasoned readers. Readings are no more accurate with 11 cards than they are with 3 cards; it's how the cards are interpreted, not the number of cards in a spread, that makes a reading work.

Working with smaller spreads (three to five cards) may make your learning process a bit easier.

Just my $.02. Happy learning!



thank you!

What about 500 different spreads on the same question hahaha

I actually have only tried the CC twice, because it was the spread the little booklet showed me. Mostly I have tried smaller spreads I've found on here, or ones I've just done with my own thinking.

Thanks for the thoughts.


It's a good way to drive yourself nuts :)

I'd stick to 3 - 5 card spreads starting out, and keep it simple, like situation and two modifiers, past/present/future - that kind of thing.

And for goodness sake, if it involves a man, don't ask how he feels - ask what his intentions are towards you. (Or perhaps I'm hopelessly jaded.)


hahahaaha.. are you psychic.

I did just try a 4 card spread to ask how a man felt before, during and after a certain event and what was to come in the future.


I'll have to take your advice for next time.


I've found that unless I repeat the exact same thing (same deck, same spread, and same question), I can make it useful. Not that one negates the other, but looking at things from different perspectives.

I've asked the same question again, of a different deck or spread, with success (again, not negating the first, but just adding to it, blending, if you will). My cards only rebel and stop speaking to me when I stop listening... They seem to be pretty tireless. If I do one spread, get the answer, want clarification and use another spread or another deck, they don't seem to mind.

But everyone reads differently. It all depends. I think the best readings happen when you're most clear why and what you're doing and have no worries about messing it up.

That said, a daily CC sounds a little much to me. I think a CC is meant for a topic or question, not as a general daily. Pulling more than 3 cards for a daily read seems like overdoing it.


1) The Oracle is always correct.

2) You are the Oracle.

3) If you know you're asking the same question over and over...don't you think the Oracle will eventually tell you to stop wasting its time? What would YOU say?

A daily Celtic Cross? You've got to be joking.

I've used the Tarot as a fish finder (successfully). I’ve also used the Tarot to help me order Chinese food. But when I ask the same thing over and over (“Are we there yet? Are we there yet? When we gonna get there? Are we there yet?”) after a while it will slap me upside the head.

Wouldn’t you?

Are we there yet?


Umbrae said:
1) The Oracle is always correct.

2) You are the Oracle.

3) If you know you're asking the same question over and over...don't you think the Oracle will eventually tell you to stop wasting its time? What would YOU say?

A daily Celtic Cross? You've got to be joking.

I've used the Tarot as a fish finder (successfully). I’ve also used the Tarot to help me order Chinese food. But when I ask the same thing over and over (“Are we there yet? Are we there yet? When we gonna get there? Are we there yet?”) after a while it will slap me upside the head.

Wouldn’t you?

Are we there yet?

it was an example. I've only tried it twice, and the first time was me getting a feel of it.

I just wondered if it was done more than once in a week, if the tarot knew it was going to be asked again in say a weeks time so therefore the reading was meant for until that week was over.. okies


Umbrae said:
1) The Oracle is always correct.

2) You are the Oracle.

3) If you know you're asking the same question over and over...don't you think the Oracle will eventually tell you to stop wasting its time? What would YOU say?

A daily Celtic Cross? You've got to be joking.

I've used the Tarot as a fish finder (successfully). I’ve also used the Tarot to help me order Chinese food. But when I ask the same thing over and over (“Are we there yet? Are we there yet? When we gonna get there? Are we there yet?”) after a while it will slap me upside the head.

Wouldn’t you?

Are we there yet?

You bring up an interesting point...the "You are the Oracle" coupled with the "Wouldn't you?"

Do you think a Tarot's patience in answering the same question relates to a reader's patience or view on such matters?


berrieh said:
"You are the Oracle" coupled with the "Wouldn't you?"

i think it has to do with the difference between ego - "wouldn't you?" referring to the conscious, outward "you" who would flip the merry 'ell out after the umpteenth time your wife asked if you really, REALLY thought this didn't make her look fat - and the synchronistic consciousness "you", the part that uses the cards to channel all that nifty information that you don't know you know, the part that can interpret the other parts you have no real way of knowing... if "you" can get out of "your" own way.

you dream. you balance your checkbook. those two yous rarely communicate directly.

reading tarot is about piercing the veil, not just the one covering the unknown realms "out there" but just as importantly the veil between soccer-mom you and oracle you. as i see it, it's just as much a focusing tool as a divining tool. that's the reason self-exploration spreads are so schnazzy and potentially mind-blowing, and the reason it can be difficult to objectively read for yourself.

ymmv. but i still say you have more than one you in there. *grin* it IS an interesting juxtaposition, but i suspect you, berrieh, are way ahead of me on this one and are just pointing it out to make the rest of us go hmmmm. thanks.

umbrae said:
I’ve also used the Tarot to help me order Chinese food.

...successfully? =p