Slept on tarot cards: Star separated - meaning?


Hi everyone,

I'm not sure if this fits here, but I have no idea where else to put it and I'd like some input/insights/musings from y'all. I went to bed last night with my tarot deck (hee hee - no not like that!) and I had left it off to the side in a stack. Obviously, over the course of the night, the cards shifted all over the place. I woke up lying literally on all the cards, with all of them splayed out beneath me..Except one. Which was not under me, but out to the side and higher up, closer to my shoulder level. Which card was it? The Star!

Is that weird? I mean of all the cards that could have separated from the pack...the Star!

Has that happened to anyone else? Is there significance/meaning behind it that I should pay attention to, or be grateful for receiving?

Any/all thoughts welcome! (not icky negative stuff though, thank you!)


An honest answer? I think it was just one that you hadn't caught with a part of your body when you were moving around in your

Ang x


I for one don't believe in coincidence. All you did really was shuffle the cards with your body as you slept!

Sometimes when I do a reading, the deck will start to separate itself before I even touch the cards. I suppose this is static charge build up in the cards; but nevertheless I like to cut the deck where this "separator" appears. I take note and then shuffle as usual.

I think your "separator" appeared as you slept for whatever reason, and that there is a message there for you.


Kilted Kat said:
I think your "separator" appeared as you slept for whatever reason, and that there is a message there for you.
I second this.

If it was me, I'd be thinking about either what I dreamed about last night or what I was thinking about before I went to sleep and how The Star might be insight for that topic.


I third that there's no coincidence.

I think the card did that to remind you that, when all else is lost, there is always hope. You're never without it... the "good angel" sitting on your shoulder.


Hi, CTW... :heart:

I am inclined to agree with Ang, but I wish I didn't. No offense to Ang, but I'm trying to loosen the hold of my logical brain and see the magic of such things.

One of my (many) character flaws is to be skeptical of what many others would consider to be "signs" form the Universe, God/ess, Creator Source, etc. For example, I don't think that a "sign" shaped by hindsight has much merit, except to the individual(s) making the connection. I call my skepticism a character flaw, because it's usually harmless to think there's a message, and who am I to say there isn't? Your topic is timely for me, because I was raised to be a skeptic, and now I'm learning to surrender logic.

So, the believing side of my brain says that the Star is calling to you! :TSTAR

Both logic and belief say that you are ultimately the source of any influence from that card, the energy of which is determined by what you believe it means.


Hello CTW. I would add a big "of course it has meaning." This is a tarot deck. Everything it expresses, whatever way it expresses, has meaning. And what a lovely message you received. The Star. Sounds like you and your deck have connected beautifully.


I'm finding this really interesting, because I would have put money on there being no believers of coincidence in this forum.

I guess I (wrongly) assume that all tarot readers are like me in believing that "divine synchronicity" plays a major role in which cards show up in which position. So, to me, it would follow that the Star showed up in the way it did for a reason. I see huge significance in it and some of you think it "weren't nothing but a thang."

So, for those of you who think it was nothing more than coincidence (instead of "magic", synchronicity, or whatever you want to call it) how do you explain the way certain cards show up in certain positions to make an accurate reading? I'm not being judgmental, really. I'm curious to see how people think.

I spend so much time in "schmedrake's little world". Maybe I should get out more often. :D


I think it is wonderful too that the Star showed up above your shoulder.
It must have made you feel great. Everyone needs a Star on their shoulder.

All good things and hopes and dreams.

P.S. Good thing it was not hot and sweaty like it was here last night with the weather.


schmedrake said:
...I guess I (wrongly) assume that all tarot readers are like me in believing that "divine synchronicity" plays a major role in which cards show up in which position. So, to me, it would follow that the Star showed up in the way it did for a reason. I see huge significance in it and some of you think it "weren't nothing but a thang."

So, for those of you who think it was nothing more than coincidence (instead of "magic", synchronicity, or whatever you want to call it) how do you explain the way certain cards show up in certain positions to make an accurate reading? I'm not being judgmental, really. I'm curious to see how people think.
My explanation is that humans are powerful enough to make the cards work. Human energy is real, measurable, and tangible. It's also quite extraordinary.

I do not dismiss synchronicity at all, but I also believe that the source of synchronicity is within the very powerful human mind. However, whether it is "divine" is the more subjective issue for me (and would require a whole new thread). I do find that tarot and synchronicity (and meaningful coincidences, for that matter) are linear, tangible concepts that do not require references to unseen forces to be explained.

Perhaps it's just a matter of directional perspective; the magic I believe in isn't an otherworldly force out there somewhere, it's an extraordinary power within us. Tarot is just one of numerous tools that tap into it.

"The Star" card is just a pretty picture on cardboard until it is given the energy of meaning by the person who finds it. For me, that's when the magic starts - when we give it meaning.

Pardon my babbling...I hope that made sense! :rolleyes: