how do you use cards for therapy


I often don't trust my feelings, and then I ask the cards.
Am I right with my opinion about a specific person, shall I stay in touch with her/him? Or if I am not sure about buying sth. Or joining a class, I am often very enthusiastic. The cards give me the answer, if this enthusiasm will last for longer. So I save time or money in the end.
I found out, that cards can help in addition to BrainGym. When the muscle-test is not really clear, i.e.


I use my cards in a similar fashion, since I sometimes have trouble understanding my feelings. By doing a reading, I can judge my own reaction to the possible outcome of a situation, thus realizing what my true feelings are. It's so helpful. :)

Inner Eye

cards for therapy

doing readings are excellent therapy, and really backs up what you are feeling. as time goes on, one gets better at trusting and knowing what intuition really feels like. also, getting a bad vibe and then doing a reading confirms the unsavory person or situation, so you now run fast from a gut feeling.

also, coming from a master psych background, you start to see types or labels of DSM-IV diagnosis in court cards. For example, King Cups REV is a man not capable of love, attachment disorder, or other slang name referenced by a man with a cold mother. Queen Wands, REV is a selfish and vendictive woman determined to get her way, can indicate neurotic or sociopathic behavior. Also, readings are more gentle in correcting you, the querent, things that might otherwise hurt your feelings if a person told you, i.e. you are being materialistic, greedy, have addictions (Devil Card)


I work on the basis that the fall of the cards is purely random so I like to lay out a spread and treat it as a brainstorm or a "what if?"

You can choose a card at random and notice your emotional reaction to it. What draws you to it or what don't you like about it. Or you can do the same thing by consciously choosing a card and thinking about what you like or don't like about it.

You can use a card as the basis for visualisation.

You can use the cards to make up stories.

I don't believe that the cards have the answers. I believe that we have the answers but that the cards can be a useful trigger to help us find them, as can many other objects and pictures.


There are many different kinds of therapy.

When I know someone has physical issues, I'll often use the Herbalists's deck to get an elaboration on what is going on and what kinds of natural foods, teas or natural medicines might be appropriate for them (with the proviso that they must always consult anyone already treating them!)

Certain cards, especially when grouped with others, may be worrying cards regarding mood disorders, and I have occasionally suggested to people that life may be easier if they seek professional support.

I find that at times when I am reading a lot for others, I feel more peaceful in myself, and I also feel less in need of having a reading myself.

Cathy Hughes

When I do readings for others, I make sure to include an advice card, where I give the tarot a chance to advise the reader on how to help themselves in the situation. Typically, I do a Celtic Cross and use the advice card as #9. I find that it's helpful when the final outcome is not what they want.. I can say that the outcome isn't necessarily going to happen, if you follow the advice card.

I also find that asking questions of the tarot, like what is blocking me, what talents do I need to work on, and what is something I need to know are very helpful. I have an entire spread that gives me an overall view of my life: things I should cultivate and things to let go of. All of these help me to gain further insight and advice into my life. Sometimes, I'm missing the big picture and the tarot is a wonderful tool for helping me see that!
