Neptune transiting Natal Mars

Miss travel

Hi there,

I made some researches concerning Neptune transiting Mars in the natal chart (conjunction), which is one transit I've been dealing since 2006.
The transit will stop by January 2009.
What I have noticed so far is principally :
- having troubles with work. Mars being the planet of activity (among other things). Things have been deceptive and quite foggy to say the least.
- getting involved in the tarot : being aware of spirituality. feeling inspired throughout the process. Opening my mind to something that is not purely "rational", getting back to reading cards, which I have left on the side for quite some time, being overloaded with work.

What is your experience of that transit, whether in conjunction, opposition or square ?
All in all, positive, negative ?


crazy raven

Neptune conjunct Mars - very open to others, so open we don't realize we're being affected by their moods. Also with this transit there is almost always a strong awareness of and interest in spiritual energies.

We can feel lethargic, listeless, weak, since Neptune seems to cloud or almost dissolve our Mars. It's like we don't know ourselves anymore.

If Mars has been a driving force in our life, Neptune will work force us to alter our self image. If we are doing something for the sake of ourselves, we will most likely fail. BUt if we are doing something that will benefit us and the people around us Neptune will raise our Mars to a higher level.