Do we put too much responsibility on our deck?


I've given it some thought and I think I tend to put too much of the responsibility on the deck for "speaking to me" instead of spending more time exercising my intuition and my connection to the Divine. I don't spend enough time on generally researching symbolism and the like, either, or acquainting myself with the information in the books that go with decks to see what the creator of the deck had in mind. Instead, I just expect the deck to carry the burden of the weight in the relationship. This led to my constant searching for "THE" deck when I first started with Tarot. It also means that when a deck comes to my door, I tend to just go through it, do a few readings (usually poorly) and then stick the deck in a drawer, saying I "don't connect with it". I think if I'd take on more of the weight of responsibility for the deal, I'd be able to read with almost any deck. (I'm nearly there, but only about halfway.)

Anyone else?


Ummm hmm. This is why the IDS is so great for me. Keeps me from flitting around.

All Is One

Oh, you caught me. Damn. I thought I might get away with it... :(

I have become more and more lazy. Back in the early 90's when my sister gave me a used copy of what is now my favorite deck of all time, I took all of my time to study the book and learn everything I could. Hence, a strong bond formed. After I began collecting decks, I came to be jaded and not devote the time to learning each one.

I still think I bonded to that deck for a reason, but to be fair: the time and study that I devoted to it was most likely a BIG factor in how deeply I bonded to the Merlin.

You have an excellent point. I'll need to think about this.

And I'm guilty as charged.


Griz, you have definitely given me something to think about. I've never truely realized it but I do that all the time. "Oh, it just doesn't speak to me." And off it goes to sit on the shelf or trade forum.

But you are absolutely right. It is our responsiblity as well - if not more - to learn the "language" for that specific deck. I mean, how can the deck truely speak - it really does come from us and if we don't even try - well of course we won't hear anything.


Thank you sooo much for putting this into words. You have given me something very important to consider.


I don't think I do. I take the responsibility for being the active partner in the relationship, and though I treasure my decks, I never see them as anything more than a tool in the interchange involved in reading Tarot. Though I might say *It doesn't speak to me* I suppose that's my way of saying that I don't care to use that particular imagery.

Lots of examples:

Manga (Lin). Despite unillustrated pips, I read well with it.
Victorian Romatic. I could read it, very well, just didn't like it. I was always asking for more symbolism and correspondences that just weren't there.
Housewives, Minute, Sacred Rose . . . the list goes on.

I don't have time to read with every deck ever published, sadly. So I pick the ones that please me, and read with them. I'm hardly going to bash my head against a deck that I find ugly or less pleasing to look at.

So no, I don't think I put too much responsibility on the deck at all. I'm the reader, it needs me to speak.

\m/ Kat


I see what you mean Kat. There is a point sometimes where I say a deck doesn't speak to me, but what I really mean is I don't care for it. But Grizabella has made me realize that sometimes I do just take the easy way out and don't take the time to completely give certain decks a chance.

I really like this thread Griz. You have given me something to think about and so has thorhammer. That's one thing (among many) that I love about this community. People bring up things I've never even thought about! You all make me think! Ack!! LOL That can be a very good thing or not, depending on what mood I'm in at the time! :joke:


Personally if I use the term "letting the deck speak" it's just a figure of speech.
I think there are a few phrases used on here that mean different things to different people.

I can see what you mean about putting the responsibility on the deck. Sometimes you can stare at a spread and not have a clue what to make of it, some might blame the deck for giving them funny answers or being in a strop with them or having bad juju.
We've seen many threads like this and people start cleansing and reordering decks to get it back on track but I think it's ourselves that need the reboot.

I actually like the first deck I bought and never felt the need to search for "the one" not that I think that even exists. I just enjoy the style of the Fey which is why I stick with it.
Any shortcomings with my readings are completely to do with me and I know it.

I think the ultimate aim is to be able to read with anything. Not just decks. It's just being able to switch modes and listen but I'm not there yet either so what the heck do I know. :)


For myself, I've found that by giving a lot of time and attention to studying the symbolism of elements within the images of my decks, that I am able to read them better.
I choose my decks carefully and they tend to have things in common, as to their structure, (you know, the old VIII Strength vs XI Justice or vice versa thing), astrological associations, etc.
That way I'm learning basically one system but seeing it applied in various decks. Many of my decks have Celtic or pagan/wiccan themes in their basis, so there's no need for me to have to retain the meanings of Eastern/Asian symbolism. Besides symbolism my study focus that I can apply to most if not all of my decks centres on colour, numerology, astrology, chakras and specific mythology.
It's also my opinion, that because most modern decks are clones/variants of that set by the RWS, that to have a good understanding of the RWS will provide a good foundation for the study of most other decks.

It doesn't get boring for me having these commonalities between decks, because each one can give me a different perspective and/or deeper understanding.
I read and consider the books that accompany or complement my decks, but I find, IMO, that it's the artist/illustrator and their skill in executing a 'picture that paints a 1000+ words' that decides whether or not the deck and I can interact.
I think I used to have deck envy when I first began to study tarot, but once I clarified the path I wanted to follow that dissipated. I have about ten decks in my collection and I feel comfortable and confident in reading the majority.


I am also guilty of what Grizabella states, thinking:

"Ooooh yes its lovely...I have to have it... Oh heck no I dont connect with it...NEXT!"

When I just worked with the Mythic, for quite a long period..I forget exactly how long...I had to work through any tough periods of confusion & trying to work out what the meaning for me was in a particular spread, it was never really a problem as I have always loved the deck & greek mythology so I guess it "spoke to me" that I have become a deck-fiend..when I am reading for myself there is always the temptation if Im not happy with what I am feeling about a spread to harrumph & put it away & try another deck.
Also with the dazzling array of "deckarama" that I find whenever I look at my bookcase I feel compelled to use different ones all the time & therby not giving each deck the amount of study-time that it should have in oder to understand it in the same way I have found the IDS's & ODW's impossible because I am unable to remain monogamous cus I get bored! aarrgghh! :D

All Is One

Another thing that scares/bothers me is that during my most intense periods of studying the tarot, whether one deck, or tarot in general, I felt sharper, more in tune, and I could feel my mind working more clearly. Then after a decade or so I find that the finer points, like with learning another language that you no longer practice, have worn dull.

My mind is not going soft...(I tell myself) but the study does need to be refreshed now and then. So I'm going back to the books this year. There's always more to learn and, as I said, the things you have learned, at least for me, don't stay as clear without boning up now and then.

(It's sad and shocking how badly my Spanish and Greek have decayed over the years of not using them, and for all of you who speak more than one language, you probably practice it in order to keep it. I was never that fluent and now I know much less. :()