Clever Tarot Cards


I don't often do a daily reading because I try to keep a dream diary, but since this morning I couldn't recall anything I thought I'd do a quick 'how to approach this day' sort of spread- just pulling a few cards, no strict allocation, and two of the cards stuck together so I drew four, (intending to just choose three).

The Fool- Six of Pentacles- The Sun- Two of Wands.

I made a note of the cards, not really thinking too much about them since I was by then running late, and intended to come back to them later and write down any thoughts as to how they related- I did get the feeling that it was all rather cheerful looking, but I didn't get any real insights, or anything.

About an hour later, I got a phone call- someone I knew asking if I could look after a dog whose owner was on holiday. The person who was meant to be dog-minding was ill, and couldn't do it... and the owner was willing to pay, (I've looked after friend's pets in the past, so word gets around).

After I put the phone down, I immediately remembered the cards- there was the Fool, (me, obviously!) with his dog, along with the payment (Six of Pents); I've sat out in the back garden with the dog when he arrived, (and I've got sunflowers growing down one side) and we went out in the sunshine for a walk in the park. And... the £££ from the owner will help my BF and I afford the holiday we'd been hoping to take at the end of the month, (Two of Wands).

The thing is, yes it is very spot-on... but if I'd done this reading with these cards for a client, I don't think I would have seen dog-sitting in the summer sun on the agenda. :surprise:
It's such a nuisance at times- this not being psychic or intuitive enough to make sense out of what my cards CLEARLY know, all by themselves! :rolleyes: They're too clever, at times. :cool:

Anyone else had 'ah-hah!' hindsights with readings, that all made PERFECT sense afterwards?



All the time!

I especially keep the readings done for me by fellow ATers and look back at them over time...there are some extremely talented people on this board who can wring nuances out of a card and make it cry! ;) I had one done about a month or so ago by a fellow IDSer and at the time, the reading seemed a bit off. It was only recently that I could look back on the reading and say "Hey...she was on to something there!"

(thanks Disa! :D)
(thanks thorhammer! Yours is making more sense too :D)


Queen of Disks

Yesterday I got the Tower for my daily card (The RWS Tower, I pulled out my Original RWS. Which shows the typical tower getting hit by lightning.) So I was on the lookout for trouble. While I was getting ready for work, we had a thunderstorm here, nothing too bad. My dad was talking on the phone, when suddenly he saw a flash of light from the corner of his eye. And then BOOM!!!! Lightning stuck at least a street or two away from us, and the thunder afterwards shook the house. My poor puppy (the infamous Rudy Monster) ran for her dog bed that is under the kitchen table and curled up in a ball. She did not come out for a while.

Other then that, it was a good day.