Sabian Symbols ~ Sept 2/3 08 ~ Sun/Saturn Conjunction


Another great detailed interpretation from Lynda Hill on the September 08 Sun/Saturn Conjunction. :)

Check out Lynda's blog at and Lynda's Sabian Symbol Oracle at
Lynda is also a member here on ATF!

and its Elsie Wheelers Birthday this month too!
Elsie Wheeler was the gifted clairvoyant who gave birth to the Sabian Symbols!

Enjoy this great read!
Elven x


The Sun/Saturn conjunction occurs on September 3 in Australia and September 2 in the States.

I thought the Greetings From Saturn postcard above was perfect for this blog - "Where the RINGS are the things!" - particularly as theSabian Symbol for the Sun/Saturn conjunction is Virgo 12: A Bride With Her Veil Snatched Away (the engagement 'ring' - the wedding 'ring').

I spoke about this degree a few weeks ago in August's lunar eclipse newsletter. With the Bride degree we often have to reveal ourselves in some way, to make a firm commitment to things we've committed to. Sometimes we need to be committed to our own ideals, rather than continually bending to those of others. If we're truly committed to our own ideals, we can be 'real' and present in relationships - able to live up to the needs of relationships. Sometimes with this Symbol we find ourselves in a position of having to reveal to ourselves our true inner self - to strip away the veil that hides us, protects us in some way, the veil that confuses or stops others from seeing who we truly are (especially our core selves).

Now we have the Sun and Saturn both on this degree.This speaks of “taking the plunge” and making a commitment to someone or something. It pictures a situation where the past and the future collide. One cannot continue to exist in limbo; the future has a stronger call than the past. This Symbol can also indicate that you must show your true face or you will be forced to reveal it. There may be a feeling that somebody is not quite ready to give them self completely to the situation. However, as they’ve made some form of commitment to what they are doing, they don’t really have much choice. Being unable to hide behind ‘Veils’, illusions, or pretense any longer means that something will happen to break any resistance that may remain. If one doesn’t go willingly, they may be pushed forward. Having to act, or relate, regardless of excuses or hesitation, puts the pressure on to move forward and to accept or reject the situation they find themselves in, regardless of reservations.

Those who ‘Snatch the Veil Away’ may not be acting in order to dominate or overpower, but just trying to remove barriers in the way of relating. It may merely be someone's hesitation that is creating problems. Look to your motives and those of others around you; be sure of why they are doing what they do. Letting down your guard can open up whole new worlds.
This can talk about: secret motives being revealed. Unveiling or changing identity. Proving oneself with no excuses and no pretense. Breaking down walls. Relating on a deep level. “Honeymoon periods”. Being true to one’s self and others. Marriage rituals. Dropping pretense. Divorce. Veils. Vows. The veil between the conscious and unconscious.

The Cautions: Stubbornly refusing to accept new directions. Failing to commit. Not coming up with what one promised. Feelings of violation. Not ready to give up fantasies or illusions. Being used or exposed. Harsh realities. Mysteries that may be best left that way. Withdrawal.
The trick is to accept or reject what happens after the Veil is Snatched Away. What would happen if pretenses were dropped? What would happen if one committed entirely to relationships that are on an equal basis; ones that nourish and nurture.

Does Saturn holding the weight of the world on his shoulders feel like you? With the Sun and Saturn in Virgo, it can feel like the 'things' you need to do are never going to manifest or be completed. As some famous new age philosopher said: "You never get there because there is no there".
I think he's right. We can be like Sisyphus and push sh*t uphill until the cows come home, but if we're not 'wedded' to our purpose, not committed to our plans for the future, not able to stay the distance, we'll be crushed under the weight of regret, bitterness and feeling unfulfilled.

Mercury, the ruler of Virgo, has a message. It's on Libra 8: A Blazing Fireplace in a Deserted Home. This speaks of having a constant, sometimes unseen, sustaining energy ready to welcome you 'home', whether it be the 'fire' of your own spiritual center, the warmth and familiarity of family and kin, or the certainty that one is sustained by humanity at large. The home may be 'deserted' in some measure, or there may be a need to keep the home fires burning. Lighting a candle or a fire or turning on the lights can bring not only light but illumination and warmth.

It seems to me that it's most important that Venus is on Libra 6: A Man Watches His Ideals Taking a Concrete Form Before His Inner Vision. This is one of the major creative manifestation degrees. How are you manifesting what you want? What ideals are you projecting? Are they the 'right' ones, the right ones for you? Are you projecting ideals that speak of failure, delay, sabotage, futility, etc?

It seems it's time to pick up the baton, let go of operating under the weight of the world, to learn when to say no, to learn how to reveal yourself to others withoutpretense or cover up, to visualize your needs, wants, thoughts and feelings. As I'm writing this, I hear someone speaking on The Colbert Report about something called 'The Misery Index' - sounds very Saturn/Sun to me! But Saturn brings rewards and it's best not to forget that. There are always rewards at the end of the endeavors. A trip to the chiropractor along the way could help you celebrate those rewards.

BTW, today is Elsie Wheeler's birthday. She was born in September 3 1887 in Southern Illinois. She's the wonderful spiritualist medium, who, in 1925 gave birth to the Sabian Symbols in San Diego, California.

Elsie's Sun is The Bride With her Veil Snatched Away. She never married, and was handicapped with severe rheumatoid arthritis her entire life and confined to a wheelchair. She was dedicated, it seems, to living a life of spirit and joy and to give people hope and messages of joy. She often said "don't give up, there's lots to live for" - this from a woman who was crippled with arthritis and confined to a wheelchair from around the age of three. She died in 1938 at the age of 52 after an operation for intestinal obstruction - a condition she'd endured for more than ten years. Read more about Elsie's story.

If you're into the Sabian Symbols, perhaps you could put aside a few moments to think about Elsie and the wonderful legacy she left to the world in the Symbols. She lived a life of grace and giving and I for one am very grateful that she graced this earth.

Here, she lies at rest with her long time good friend (possibly her partner). With Saturn smack on Elsie's Sun degree, I feel it's fitting to send along a pic of the headstone of her grave. May she, and Frank Baxter, rest in peace.
