The Sibilla oracle cards


I just bought this deck yesterday at Borders, does anyone here read with this deck and how acurate is.


I've never used the Sibilla oracle cards. But the trick is to connect the meanings of the cards.

Exp: Carta + Viaggio + Dinaro

This could mean that you will receive a letter or new out a profitable try Where you will make or recive money.


I have them but I haven't used them yet. Put the blame on too much tarot deck...

Le Fanu

I also have them, but have never been able to make much headway. I don´t know of a good guide in English. The card titles I can translate as I have a reading knowledge of Italian. But wish I knew a bit more "about" them, layouts etc.

Plus I have two; one with 52 cards, the other with 36 (I think). Dunno, just can´t quite get to grips with them.


Sibilla decks- the great adventure

I am plowing through this thread:
It appears that many different assignments of playing card to keyword to picture to number are made, depending on the specific deck/publisher.

I just received the Lo Scarabeo "Sibilla Oracle Cards" (978-0-7387-1305-2 on a sticker). If this is the same deck that you have, I'd be happy to go through learning the cards with you. I have no idea what other French & Italian readers do; ~so~ I plan to use a thesaurus for keywords, a dream/symbol dictionary for the graphic elements within a pic, and do a comparison with more traditional playing card meanings.

I should warn you that my playing card background is different from the gypsy/fortune-telling viewpoint. The systems I learned are heavily based on astrology and numerology: a planet to the number, an element to the suit- then comparing the astrological aspect to the traditional ruler. All that said, I am willing to use/learn some other way of looking at this level.

An example, Love 6H 1
a Cupid aiming his bow toward his right; the playing card is in that corner (so he is facing the symbol; active attention)
in the cloud at his feet, there is a red sash, a chain, and what appears to be a golden vase or cup
6 is related to Jupiter or Venus; the pip fraction is 4 over 2; Hearts are Fire or Water (but always passion)

So, depending on what cards were around this one, I would say that the topic/issue has been a double influence in the querent's interests. Would need to answer whether this brings pleasure or pain, what past "chain of events" is involved.