"repeating" a reading?


I did a 1 card reading last night with my new deck, my thoughts were on what I would "get/learn" from my new deck.

Page of Swords reversed. =/ (any thoughts/interpretations appreciated)

I found a thread today on a spread for new decks and I'm debating doing another with my new deck using this spread. I don't like to ask the same question of the cards multiple times, never got the feeling it was a good idea. Not sure if THIS would fall into the same type of thing though.


I don't think it would at all. One card leaves it very up in the air and incomplete. You could do a short spread and read it and put it in Your Readings and we would all be interested.

If you are not experienced why use reversed anyway ? I don't and have been around quite a while now. Many do not use the reversed position and many do.. your call.


Good to hear. I never have used reversals before with anything, not sure what inspired me to this time.

I'm going to do the spread I found here for new decks. I like it and after I read I'll be sure to post so we can all have a crack at it. A second (or even 3rd, 4th and 5th set of eyes always catch what I might miss)


For sure, it is great fun as well. Sometimes someone writes about a card with thoughts you have never had relative to a card. Be sure to give the name of the deck as well. If it is an RW clone it is easier but some I don't read like Thoth but there are experts on here. Looking forward.


I dont worry about the reversed cards either, and i have been reading a while.
The reading still seems to come out brilliant to people so im not in a hurry to worry about the reversed cards.


perhaps I should throw my 1 card out there in the forum and let those who want to have a crack at it :D

I think I will, I've been inspired ;)