Asking for guidance through prayer.

Free Spirit

Hello Everyone,
I thought it would be nice to find out what you guys say before you read your cards.

I say something like:
I´m ready to open to spirit, and ask that the messages that are given are given in truth, love and light.
And then I go onto asking the relevent question ect for me or another person.


I don't necessarily ask before each reading. lol In fact, I'm more prone to say something like 'and please be clear and easy for me to understand this time' at the end of the question. :joke:

However, I do welcome and bless my decks when I first get them and I renew that from time to time, if I think it's needed.

For that, I ask God and a small litany of particular saints and various heavenly/spiritual types of beings to bless this deck and my use of it; and that all readings done with this deck (by me or someone else in the future) be helpful, accurate, kind and clear. The exact words may vary a bit but the intentions are always the same.



I don't pray. I just read the cards. What a sinner I must be! :p

Actually, maybe I should start doing something like that, seriously.

Demon Goddess

I don't always pray, but then I rather enjoy being a sinner. :D

When I do pray though. I ONLY say the Lord's Prayer; the I Father, the Paternoster (In English, of course).


I don't pray before I read. Instead, I have a little talk with the deck, explaining the situation and what I want to know. Then I sum it up into one question and lay the cards. Pretty much the same thing I do when I'm reading for others, only I discuss it with them and form it into a question.

It probably doesn't affect the cards at all, but at least it helps me get my thoughts organized. That way I'm actually capable of interpreting what comes out! :)


I don't remember where this came from but I say....

I place a white light of protection around myself and this client.
I pray the information I give them will be beneficial, specific, direct and true.
And that it come from the God-Source and flow effortlessly through me.


I keep meaning to get a grounding ritual in, as I'm constantly advised to do so, (but I keep forgetting). A prayer first, though? That thought has never crossed my mind.

Sometimes if I'm stuck on something in the middle of the spread I'll ask for help. ("Oh come on now! MUST you be difficult? Now why would you go & throw [enter card name here] out on me?! Can't I have just a LITTLE cooperation now & then? Am I asking too much here?!") At which point something usually pops into my head & all is forgiven.

I don't know why my cards act as they do, telling me what they do, but I don't consider any special spirits or anything are behind it. But then again, I do tend to anthropomorphize things. *looks sheepishly innocent*


I say the rosary before I start my readings, usually after I set up my table. I don't pray before each and every reading - I wouldn't have time! I'm always concious of my beads in my pocket, and will often handle them between readings, too. The rosary calms me very nicely and prepares me for engaging with the public. I absolutely adore the rosary.:heart:


I sometimes do the the Qabalistic Cross, and, like lark, often add a silent request that my reading be specific and comprehensible.


I tend to say (in my head) something like "I (or the querent's name) is confused and needs help on this issue now. Please send me the answer that will tell them what they need to know and then please help me have the wisdom to see in the answer what you intended me to see."

I don't say it out loud, just in my head. And sometimes it is a bit more wordlessly than others, but that is always there, always the thought that is in my heart when I begin and it has always worked for me.
