Tarot and Christianity


Just a quick question for you guys. Please forgive if this is posted in the wrong place. Maybe a silly question. I'm just wondering how one strikes a balance between using the Tarot and being a Christian. Is it possible to do both? I am a Christian and at the same time I have a strong interest in the Tarot. Most of us have been taught all our lives that things such as the Tarot are evil and that we should not dabble with them. I do not believe this at all. I see nothing evil or negative in the Tarot and I'm just wondering how you all might feel about this. Any thoughts you might have to share would be greatly appreciated. Please help! I'm confused about this and need some input. Thank you so much!

Demon Goddess

You'll be thrilled to know that I was actually introduced to Jesus Christ THROUGH the Tarot.

What's to reconcile... anyone who says they are incompatible, got it wrong. :)


Aaeryn said:
I'm just wondering how one strikes a balance between using the Tarot and being a Christian. Is it possible to do both?
This question comes up in the forums a lot, so you're not alone. I would say the consensus here is that it's definitely possible to do both. But since this is a tarot forum, perhaps that answer is to be expected.

You might want to read those threads to find out what people have said and the reasoning behind their opinions, especially those who are Christian members of AT.

Here are links to some interesting previous threads:

Is a christian able to use tarot for divining?

Curiousity about Anti-Tarot Christian Sentiment...

Understanding where the fear comes from

Christian + Tarot = How'd you end up here?

Christian Tarot Readers

can't be a tarot christian?



I grew up Christian and I still choose to identify myself as one (although others may not think so because I don't believe that Christianity is the one and only way ;)

I think that God speaks to us in many ways, be it a burning bush or cards. I also think that giving support and encouragement to others and helping them to find their path in life is hardly against the Bible.

That being said, I understand how you feel conflicted. I love Tarot and believe it just may be my calling in life, however I have yet to come out of the closet about it to my parents!

Thank you for posting those threads btw Nevada!


It was a long path for me as a Christian before I took up Tarot. I realized that what I had been taught was nonsense and then looked around to see what else was nonsense and found a lot.

I am Christian and do my best to be it does not affect my reading Tarot.
They have Mystics within the Church and although it is not common for everyone to be a Mystic there are all sorts of gifts that people have in
their spiritual practice.

God wants you to be just who you are and use your own judgment and discretion about what is right and wrong. Yes, I believe in Jesus and feel that my interests are more worldly now and not so narrow minded.

Do we have to obey authority ? No, not unless we feel like it.
If they kick you out of the club they have no right anyway. Who cares.


Christianity doesn't mean the same thing today as it did a couple of generations, or even a generation ago. In some ways this is a positive thing, but it's as if the baby has been thrown out with the bathwater. Today Christianity means whatever a person wants it to mean. As Nevada said, you will probably get mostly opinions in favor of Tarot here. Ultimately it's something you'll have to search you own conscience for an answer to.


Thank you guys!

Thank you all so much for responding and thank you Nevada for taking the time to post those threads! You all have been most helpful!

Demon Goddess

Aaeryn said:
Thank you all so much for responding and thank you Nevada for taking the time to post those threads! You all have been most helpful!

Trust your heart and your mind, Aaeryn. Jesus said, "If you know something with all of your being; it is truth." (I paraphrase, but you catch my meaning).


What's to reconcile...there are many instances of divination in the Bible...ranging from metallic objects such as drinking cups (genesis 44:5) to livers of sacrificed animals Ezek 21:21...
So the act itself was not an uncommon thing. I myself prefer the Tarot...its a whole lot less messy than interpreting sacrificed animal parts...



A friend of mine from work who is very religious actually e-mailed me some quotes from the bible that she says give reason why it's "wrong" ... after reading the thread about Inviting Demons in (I forget the title exactly) I asked her about it.

If you or anyone else is interested I'll gladly share it.