Aromatherapy/herbal remedies!


Who here does this sort of stuff.
I am looking into it and ideas tips and help is much appreciated!
If you have some good mixtures to make etc and know of remedies to make please share x x


I've been doing it for years what sort of things are you looking to know? How to make creams for your skin? Making a lasting scent to calm you down? Ways to add herbs to your tarot?


A bit of everything really.
I really dont mind! x


There are quite a few sites out there that are good, one is Rose Mountain Herbs. I do alot with herbs that I grow in making natural cough remedies and healing salves. They are real eazy to make and I've even gotten my husband into using them. I also make a great body lotion with an almond oil base. Are you looking to grow herbs or buy them and use them?


Buy them and make them for the moment x


Well when it comes to buying and if you're buying local then make sure that the herbs are fresh and well kept. If you're getting dried herbs only get what you are going to need because the longer they are stored the less effective they are.

One thing I make is a comfrey salve. Comfrey is a great wound healer. What you want to do is take about two tablespoons of Comfrey root and put then into about a 1/4 cup of olive oil. Put this on a VERY low burner on the stove for about 2-3 hours. You want to warm the roots not cook them. What you're doing is pulling out the plants natural healing compounds into the oil, but if they start to sizzle that means your making fried comfrey and that's not good. Once you've done that you can put it into small jar with about 2 tablespoons of melted beeswax. Whip it up with a fork add a few drops of essential oil (I use lavender myself) and cover. It whips up to a very nice cream and there you have a great disinfecting and healing salve for cuts and burses. I’ve used it for years and love it

That's one thing


I thought i would share this, i am going to do it so i thought i would share and hopefully others will find it helpful.

It is a herb jar which is used to enhance powers physically and mentally.
You fill it up with the following. I got it of a wicca spell site, but i thought it would match well with the topic relating to herbal remedies.

Cinnamon- For dream magick
Nutmeg- For good luck
Allspice- For healing
Ginger- For lunar magick
Basil- For protection
Fennel seeds- For spiritual healing
Garlic- For spiritual purification
Marjoram- For protection
Sage- For spiritual purification
Cloves- For protection
Mustard seeds- For protection


So what do you do with it when you put it all in the jar?


You just keep it somewhere where you spend most of your time. So somewhere in your home x


Do you use essential oils at all?