Your working definitions


... or how do you explain it shortly?

A couple of months ago this interesting
thread made my head spin, and think and do some writing, and eventually I came up with this definition, that works for me:

Tarot is a language of symbols, that we understand intuitively and with which we communicate with the unconsciousness to get a deeper understanding of the possibilities that lie latent in the Now.

Thats me view on tarot - at least for now.
But - just out of curiosity - what is yours or how do you explain it to people, that are interested?

Love Gazel


For me, the tarot are a pictoral guide that points out the way when there's confusion. For me, the subconscious best communicates in pictures, not words, and that these are a portrayal of it.


I don't talk about tarot a lot, but I do remember trying to explain it to someone at work. Basically, I said, "What I'm doing is asking myself a question. The cards help my mind to think in the right way to answer it."


Gazel said:
Thats me view on tarot - at least for now.
But - just out of curiosity - what is yours or how do you explain it to people, that are interested?

Love Gazel

Hi, Gazel.
- :)

Tarot is a collection of universal archetypes - examining (ones reactions to) them sheds light on subconscious processes.


Hello again,
thanks for your answers.
Actually I do think it has helped me to work out a sort of definition.
One just have to remember that nothing is set is stone, and therefore this may change over time. That's why I call it a working definition. It works as long as it works.
Love, Gazel


Gazel said:
... or how do you explain it shortly?

A couple of months ago this interesting
thread made my head spin, and think and do some writing, and eventually I came up with this definition, that works for me:

Tarot is a language of symbols, that we understand intuitively and with which we communicate with the unconsciousness to get a deeper understanding of the possibilities that lie latent in the Now.

Thats me view on tarot - at least for now.
But - just out of curiosity - what is yours or how do you explain it to people, that are interested?

Love Gazel

My view on how it works is that it is a tool that lets me communicate directly with my angels. I look at the images and kindof zone out a bit and the answers flow as though I am taking dictation. I ask for them to send me the answer before I start, and they just send it. That may not be explained well, but those are the best words to describe it that came to me right now.

What I tell others, usually I just tell people that Tarot does work but no one knows for sure how. There are many theories around, but no one can proove how it works one way or the other. Unless I am dealing with someone who I know to be a strong believer in angels I will not tell them my personal belief on how I think it works.
