Crystal compatibility & incompatibility


I am very interested in this matter; and it a number of books (+ sites) I have read about crystals, only the very, very few touch on it.
It would be wonderful if we could draw up a list of stones which are in as well as out of harmony with one another.

Being so in love with Turquoise i have to make it part of my 1st point: I’ve read that it is (very) incompatible with Lapis Lazuli.

On the other hand: turquoise, jet, coral and amber go very well together.




This I would also like to know and thanks for posting it. I remember that I read once about not putting all your stones in a bowl because of this issue.


incompatible- what basis?

Hmmm. Where would you find this type of info? Is is related to the Vedic prescription-type stuff? The elemental or planetary/zodiac associations? Most of the books I have will give you a list of what stones work well with "Stone X" but no mention of incompatible stones.