New to tarot cards - need some advice


I haven't done a tarot reading yet, but I have a Fey Tarot deck. I am kind of skeptical, but totally open to the possibility of it being very real.
So, do I have to believe entirely in the tarot to get an accurate reading?

Also, if I were doing a reading of someone else, is it more important that I believe in the tarot, or that they do?



No, you don't, but trusting that the cards say something relevant will better motivate you to look for the meaning


This is a question with a long answer and subject to those who will answer.

I can only share with you what I know to be true. That being said, this is how I will answer your question:
The laws of metaphysics are an expansion on the laws of physics; God's laws, which, can never be broken. They work whether you believe in them or not. Should you decide for any reason that you do not believe in gravity, you will not fall off the face of the earth. For centuries most people thought that the world was flat, but no one fell over an edge. We all work within those laws whether we are aware of it or not.
Now as to the tarot and oracles in general, if one did not believe that there were some part of himself that were able to communicate with a higher intelligence or that there were such a thing as a higher intelligence or that communication were possible, they probably would never try. Not really, anyway.
Where you are now is at the beginning of faith. Willing to open yourself up to a possibility with no basis of belief one way or another, and skepticism is a good thing at this stage.
The greatest evidence we have that a higher intelligence exists is by the order of the universe from the microcosm to the macrocosm and it is with this principle that the cards work. At any given moment our energy and the energies with which we interact affect everything we do. Have you ever had to organize things and worked at it and had to leave it and come back a day or two later to finish and thought, "What was I thinking of " and rearranged it all because it made no sense on the second day?
Artists experience this a lot. If I leave a painting too long and come back to it, it seems all wrong. The person I was when I started the painting no longer exists, my reason for wanting to paint it in the first place might elude me.
Anyway, that is how the arranging of the Tarot cards and also the choice of the cards to read play into it.
There are a million names for the higher intelligence of the universe the one I use is Spirit. I know that Spirit is trying to communicate with us all the time the most commonly known way probably is through our dreaming.
When we cooperate and are willing to learn the language of Spirit, symbols, feelings, intuition we find a vast body of knowledge at our disposal. Really the only difference between card readers and people who do not read the cards is that we took the time to learn the language. We are truly interpreters.
Ask Spirit to help you and it will. During a meditation years ago I was told that when we say we can't we make the angels cry. We must be willing to try, That is all.



I was working a party once, and asked a reader how he got into it during our elevator ride. He didn't expect any business from me, and we never did exchange cards. He told me he didn't believe it at all when he started, got into it for the easy money, and that over time, while giving readings, he had become completely convinced that "it was real".

I think the doubt can be cultivated into a very decent signature, over time. I would love to hear from a reader who had sort of an adversarial relationship to the cards, especially if they were accurate.

Refrain from faking belief. I like your grounded approach. Listen to the cards, especially when the spread doesn't make logical sense to you: take that leap and ask the querant for perspective on cards that 'don't fit.'



Marka said:
I haven't done a tarot reading yet, but I have a Fey Tarot deck. I am kind of skeptical, but totally open to the possibility of it being very real.
So, do I have to believe entirely in the tarot to get an accurate reading?

Also, if I were doing a reading of someone else, is it more important that I believe in the tarot, or that they do?

My first and most disastrous reading I had no idea what I was doing, and considerable scepticism along with a fear that it might work and unleash something nasty (hey, I was younger and very stupid in those days....)

It sent the sitter home in tears (even though it was her idea and I told her I hadn't a clue.)

So I think belief is not essential in either party. That said - I think at least a wide open mind is very helpful. For both parties.


gregory said:
So I think belief is not essential in either party. That said - I think at least a wide open mind is very helpful. For both parties.

That sums it up for me.


I've only been doing Tarot for a short time (1 year), but I've always seen it maybe a little differently than others. I'm not a believer in divination, exactly, but I do believe in intuition and the subconscious, and I believe that each card, representing as it does a facet of humanity, can open insight in a person that may otherwise not have been opened. Intuition flourishes best when given a starting point, and I see Tarot as that point. Just my 2c :)


You know, EVERYTHING in this world has something to tell us or to teach us.... but Tarot cards have a je-ne-sais-quoi....

Like PNWtarot, I also beleive Tarot cards are the communication link with our subconscious and unconscious.

My PRIMARY advice to you is to treat your TAROT deck with UTMOST respect. As you will learn to read it, you will come to see that your TAROT's ''voice'' is extremely precious to you.



wasyteyelo said:
I can only share with you what I know to be true. That being said, this is how I will answer your question:
The laws of metaphysics are an expansion on the laws of physics; God's laws, which, can never be broken. They work whether you believe in them or not. Should you decide for any reason that you do not believe in gravity, you will not fall off the face of the earth. For centuries most people thought that the world was flat, but no one fell over an edge. We all work within those laws whether we are aware of it or not.
Now as to the tarot and oracles in general, if one did not believe that there were some part of himself that were able to communicate with a higher intelligence or that there were such a thing as a higher intelligence or that communication were possible, they probably would never try. Not really, anyway.
Where you are now is at the beginning of faith. Willing to open yourself up to a possibility with no basis of belief one way or another, and skepticism is a good thing at this stage.
The greatest evidence we have that a higher intelligence exists is by the order of the universe from the microcosm to the macrocosm and it is with this principle that the cards work. At any given moment our energy and the energies with which we interact affect everything we do. Have you ever had to organize things and worked at it and had to leave it and come back a day or two later to finish and thought, "What was I thinking of " and rearranged it all because it made no sense on the second day?
Artists experience this a lot. If I leave a painting too long and come back to it, it seems all wrong. The person I was when I started the painting no longer exists, my reason for wanting to paint it in the first place might elude me.
Anyway, that is how the arranging of the Tarot cards and also the choice of the cards to read play into it.
There are a million names for the higher intelligence of the universe the one I use is Spirit. I know that Spirit is trying to communicate with us all the time the most commonly known way probably is through our dreaming.
When we cooperate and are willing to learn the language of Spirit, symbols, feelings, intuition we find a vast body of knowledge at our disposal. Really the only difference between card readers and people who do not read the cards is that we took the time to learn the language. We are truly interpreters.
Ask Spirit to help you and it will. During a meditation years ago I was told that when we say we can't we make the angels cry. We must be willing to try, That is all.

I love this


wasyteyelo said:
The greatest evidence we have that a higher intelligence exists is by the order of the universe from the microcosm to the macrocosm and it is with this principle that the cards work. At any given moment our energy and the energies with which we interact affect everything we do.
Thanks wasyteyelo, I think that is a very sensible way of thinking about it.

Do you think that the Fey deck is a good deck to start out with? I really like the artwork and it seems modern enough for me to relate to, but is there anything else that I should look for in a deck?