Has it ever happened to you?


I got the Zen Osho Tarot about more than a week ago, and when I started reading the meanings of the cards and the book and when I started highlighting everytime, my deck and the interpretation book started to become REALLY REALLY hot.

I dont know why. At first people told me that it was because I had a lot of energy so it was very positive.

I know that in the days after, I had a bunch of spirits who didnt want to leave me alone and I had to ask for help of someone I knew who lives in French in order for them to leave me alone.

Because of that, I put my Tarot away for awhile. I was not scared and its not the first time that I had experiences with spirits, but it was just annoying (one of them kicked my foot while I was sleeping the other night lol).

Has this ever happened to you? It's not the first time that I've done tarot readings but the Zen Osho tarot is the first tarot that I really bought and that I really own.

Before that, i used the Marseille Tarot but I used printed cards from the computer and it all worked well but I never got stuck with spirits like I did with the Zen Osho Tarot.

Has it ever happened to you?


You may be hard-pressed to find many here who believe that spirits invade tarot decks and make them warm to the touch.

There could be something else going on physically with you or electromagnetically in the air.


I've never had anything happen like that. I have the Osho Zen and use it but no spirits ever seemed to appear and it never got hot.

I've never had anything like that happen with any of my decks and I've been reading for going on 9 years now and have quite a few decks I use.


kayless said:
I got the Zen Osho Tarot about more than a week ago, and when I started reading the meanings of the cards and the book and when I started highlighting everytime, my deck and the interpretation book started to become REALLY REALLY hot.

Excitement raises your body temperature due to the adrenaline rush. If you were holding the deck (and, since you were highlighting, you were holding the book as well), it stands to reason that both would get hotter than normal.

kayless said:
I know that in the days after, I had a bunch of spirits who didnt want to leave me alone

Interesting. Did you have some poltergeist activity? Did spirits visit you in dreams? Were they having a party in your apartment?

kayless said:
and I had to ask for help of someone I knew who lives in French in order for them to leave me alone.

Where is "French"? :D

kayless said:
Has this ever happened to you?

I've experienced spiritual activity, but not correlated with my use of the cards...ANY of my decks (including the New Orleans Voodoo Tarot, which will probably shock and awe some folks LOL).

Whatever spirits that may be in your house were there before you picked up a tarot deck, period...but now that you are working more with the decks (and the Osho Zen is a mind-blowing one), you're more psychically open...so you're more attuned to spiritual activity than you were before.

If you're that concerned with spirits, you may want to try smudging your place (and decks) with sage, and maybe keeping protective crystals in your decks (to absorb any negative energies--crystal quartz is a popular choice).

kayless said:
It's not the first time that I've done tarot readings but the Zen Osho tarot is the first tarot that I really bought and that I really own.

Did you buy it new? Or used? Or via trade? If either of the latter two, they you MAY be picking up on the energies of the previous owner(s)...and again, a smudge may help matters.

kayless said:
Before that, i used the Marseille Tarot but I used printed cards from the computer and it all worked well but I never got stuck with spirits like I did with the Zen Osho Tarot.

Again....the spirits are not in the tarot deck. And printed cards from the computer are a totally different experience from a tarot deck printed on cardstock and sold commercially.

Just my $.02.



I agree with others that it's likely not connected to the cards themselves, but may be affected by your enthusiasm about them. It is a beautiful deck in many ways. So perhaps you connected with the artwork more than you did with your Marseille copy, and you're projecting something into the deck that is actually happening to you, internally or physically.

There are times when I put off a lot of heat. Usually, if it's not because of physical activity, it has to do with my focus being centered intently on a particular activity. My husband happened to notice years ago that the top of my head sometimes gave off what seemed like excess heat when I was writing fiction and in a focused flow with it. We both figured that must be some kind of chakra activity, or maybe just a really busy brain. ;) Who knows?

Maybe you should keep a journal about it, but also be careful not to get too caught up in what's going on (so you don't inadvertently intensify the effect by focusing on it), just try to observe it in an objective way. If it's not causing any negative problems in your life, that's possibly all you need to do, just be aware of it. But if it's causing problems for you, you might want to seek some kind of help. I'd want to rule out physical problems first if it were me. But there are also experiences people have with spiritual growth or awakening that sometimes have physical effects, such as chakras opening, and so forth.

I'm still not sure what you mean by spirits, though. Is something happening besides the heat that you haven't mentioned? What makes you think this is spirits and not you?


I was not that enthusiastic..I was happy but not like...EXTRAORDINARY happy.. so I dont think it is really related to that. I didn't feel "hot" myself, I felt like a lot of "hot air" was around me, I cant explain..

The book became hot in all of a sudden and the cards too!
And the spirits that didin't want to leave me alone, whenever I felt them, they were "hot" too..like if one was coming right in front of my face, it'd feel very hot in front of my face and if they'd leave, then the "hot air" would go away..

If I was going in a specific place in my bedroom, it was hot especially in that place when it was freezing at all the other places..
But when I was talking with this person, friend of mine who is a medium, without me telling her that I had spirits after me, she said "I feel like throwing up" and then I was like "why" and then she ewas like "you've got a bunch of spirits after you"

and I did have the proof, one of them kicked me lol xD

But Im not reallythe kind of person who will absolutely look for signs, Im very rationnal actually, I dont know what it was due but I dont think it was due to me being excited.

But thanks guys for your points of views !:)


I dont know for the chakra but I dont really believe in the chakra system, I dont really understand it.

Someone have to explain to me all of this someday lol.


Um, I never said that the spirits were IN the deck.
Maybe there were spirits in my house before and because of the deck, I dont know something happened lol.

Yeah, I do think that maybe I was more "physically" open cause I,ve been told that my abilities are growing stronger now (but I dont really want to caue I've never been comfortable with spirits around me. I am not scared but I find it annoying.)

Again, I want to say that Im not the type of person who absolutely WANTS to see spirits or anything like that, I am very rationnal and everything and its not the first time that I feel spirits, I've never made a big deal. It's just that its the first time that something has happened to me with a tarot deck lol

I dont think it was a poltergeist, I think it was just spirits that were around or something like that. It felt like they were looking for help or something. But I am no medium, I just feel them but I cant do anything for them. No spirits visited me in my dreams lately. I dont think so. If they did, I just thought it was a "normal dream" and then just stopped thinking about it.

Sorry for my mistakes, my computer is so slow right now. My friend lives in FRANCE. Sorry. She said that it was a man who died from a heart attact, he was 50 and his name is Robert or Gilbert. She said that he's very angry and everything.

I dont know if its true. She said that he was going to leave me by now and it's true that I dont feel any spirits now that she helped me. But she said that he lived in my house for quite a long time but taht with my tarot, it attracted many other spirits lol ^^


But my problem now is that I want to keep on using my tarot to help people but I dont want to get stuck with spirits again.

I dont know how to protect myself or where to find the things to protect myself ^^ Before, people used to tell me that I was naturally protected but I dont know lol.


Maybe you're especially sensitive to spirits and opening to some kind of mediumship ability yourself. Is that what you're thinking? You say the friend is a medium. Was she able to tell what the spirits wanted? I've read of mediums using Tarot in their work. If it is spirits, maybe that's what they're trying to tell you. I don't know much about that, only what I've read. But maybe someone at a Spiritualist church could help, if there's one in your area. There are some past threads in the Spirituality forum about mediumship, but you have to be a subscriber to access them. You could do a search, though, for any Tarot threads that discuss mediums using Tarot. I think there are members here who know something about that or who are mediums themselves.

I hope you find your answer. That must be a perplexing situation.