Interesting situation


Friday was a first in my Tarot career, and I was left feeling a little bewildered. I've resolved the issue (internally at least), but I'd still like to share it and see if anyone else has had a similar experience.

So I'm in my senior year of high school, and friday we had our finals. I finished my philosophy exam early so I started playing with my Tarot cards (Deviant Moon). Of course, this being a high school and filled with curious, hormone-rich teenagers, I soon had a long line of people waiting for readings. I welcomed the opportunity to practice and got to work.

One reading in particular stood out to me. It was for a girl who is... somewhere between acquaintance and friend to me. It was a three card spread, past-present-future, with no question but the general idea being "Love". The thing that made it stand out to me was that the second and third cards were matched too well (queen and king of swords, respectively), so I drew a fourth card (two of swords). This left the queen and king as two present position cards.

So the duality was obvious, but I didn't really understand it. Part of it was I had assumed this to be a relationship she was in. I interpreted it as he and she being a good match in that they both had strong minds, logical ways, yada yada, etc... I ended, rather weakly, with "You may have different views of the world that cause a rift..." or something like that. I didn't feel like it was a very good reading, and she remained oddly silent throughout, but the bell was ringing and we didn't have the time to go over it.

So the day wears on, and the spread still bugs me because I knew that it was dead on, I just wasn't getting it. Then as fate would have it, I run into a friend in the halls after school, and she tells me (in typical high schooler gossip-speak) that the querent is trying to decide between two guys to ask out. Aha! Now it all makes sense: the queen and king are not her and him, but two competing prospects. My mind is racing as I'm putting all the cards together again and drawing new connections. And then there's the catch.

My informant declares that one of the potential beaus is none other than myself!

Now I know why she was so silent during the reading, but I suddenly find myself in an odd position. I have just given a love reading about myself without even knowing it, and now what do I do with the information? I could leave it be and hope the bad reading doesn't influence her negatively, or I could let her knew what I had been told. I could even use the knowledge to my advantage and tell her all about how great the queen of swords is, and how stuffy the king is.

In the end I decided to go to her and give her the same reading, but the right way. I told her about the two and their respective merits and faults (with complete honesty and no stacking the deck in my favor), and that both were equally good in relation to eachother. I also warned her that maybe neither would be the best for her at the moment, because of the two of swords negative connotation. She thanked me and told me that it made a lot more sense now. So now I'm just sitting back and seeing what happens, but I thought it was a very interesting situation to be put in, unwittingly reading about oneself.

So what do you think? How would you have handled the situation, and if this has happened to you, how did you handle it? Thoughts, suggestions, criticisms, comments, and poetry are all welcome.



That certainly is an interesting situation!

I think you did the right thing! It shows you have integrity, and if she decides not to ask you out, then it means that either she wasn't right for you or that it wasn't the right time (or both). :)


I think you did right - and I think it was wrong of her to ask YOU for a love reading in those circumstances. Now, she may of course have had a motive in doing so. Do keep us updated.....


This happened to me once when I first started to read cards many years ago. A male friend asked me for a love reading and I knew he had a big crush on me and was waiting for some kind of "go" signal.

I don't remember the cards specifically, but there was a queen in reverse and the three of swords maybe? In any case, I told him, in no uncertain terms, that it just wasn't going to happen. It was perhaps dishonest of me too -- since I knew exactly what his motives were in wanting the reading. But I was very new to tarot and I didn't want to let down my friend by refusing to read for him.

Well all these years later -- we are all best friends -- he played music at my wedding and I baked the cake for his. My son calls him "uncle" and his wife babysits for me while I'm take classes. So it all worked out! See, I *am* psychic! :)


Acatalepsy said:
I could even use the knowledge to my advantage and tell her all about how great the queen of swords is, and how stuffy the king is.
LOL! --Acatalepsy!

Now that I have stopped laughing, I just want to say that I love it when I am given the opportunity to see the cards working in a real situation (such as you have in this situation). You learn a lot from it.



Thanks for the replies!

gregory said:
I think you did right - and I think it was wrong of her to ask YOU for a love reading in those circumstances.

Yeah, it definitely wasn't her best course of action, but I can sympathize. If you're desperate for answers the Tarot can be quite appealing, even if it can make the situation even more convoluted. It's ok though, just one more good story to tell. ^_^

tarotmama said:
Well all these years later -- we are all best friends -- he played music at my wedding and I baked the cake for his. My son calls him "uncle" and his wife babysits for me while I'm take classes. So it all worked out! See, I *am* psychic!

Thanks for sharing your story! I'm glad to hear you handled your situation so well. I was a little worried that I might have made a mistake, but this reminded me that in these situations the intuition rarely fails. I'm sure everything will turn out all right for me, as they did for you, whatever the outcome.