Health Reading


I have been learning to read Tarot for a few weeks now. Every self reading has been pretty pheonomenal and acurate, and one recent reading was so inspiring and on point it made me emotional.

When it comes to health readings I have tried a few and they just do not make any since. The closest interpretation I have been able to deduce using the Celtic cross is that my will power is strong enough to see me through my health issues.

By doing a celtic cross for a health reading is it common to only get answers from a few cards? Should I be using another spread when dealing with health?



From what I have gathered on this forum, most people shy away from health readings. I cannot get them to work for me at all but I'd love to be able to.

Sometimes I can pull the astrological correspondence to see where the issue may lie but even that is difficult for me to do.

I never use the celtic cross because it never gives me a clear view of anything.


Health is like anything else, and reads like anything else.

If a querent comes in specifically for a reading about health, I'll choose the Herbal Deck, and it'll give a cracker. But usually if they don't specify a given issue I'll do a spread that is basically a series of three-card readings on a number of subjects, health among them.

I just did a sample three-card reading on health for my brother to demonstrate, using the Quantum for no other reason than it happened to be sitting right on my computer, and I would have had to get up to grab another deck.

The first card is the health issue of the moment: Two Swords. This indicates that Alan is not over the lifetime pattern that caused him to have his series of massive and nearly catastrophic heart attacks late last year: He is not looking at the real issue, which is not his diet, or his exercise or even his smoking, but is the many litres of tea with two heaped TABLESPOONS of sugar that he drinks every day, and the pot that he's still smoking after his cardiologist told him to give up cigarettes. Also, his habit of working himself into the ground isn't helping, nor his inability to ask for help. He thinks he's fixed the causes when he obviously hasn't, which is very Two Swords. I also see this card as often indicating being at crossed purposes, and again that seems relevant to Alan's cardiac health, with his bon vivant manner overlaying his fear.

The position that indicates the Way forward is the Nine Wands. Alan is in danger of losing the joy in his life through overwork (a long-term thing) and the lack of cigarettes and fatty foods (a short-term thing). In order to maintain his recovery, he needs to find acceptable pleasure-substitutes in his life.

The third card-position is lifetime tendencies, and here we have the Magician. The Magician tells me that Alan's health is completely in his hands: it is not a card of illness, or of recovery, or of being accident-prone, it is a card that tells him he already has the tools and knowledge he needs to effect sweeping change in his life. It isn't, however, the Strength card, so he is greatly challenged by his lack of self-discipline. He cannot put his long-term recovery and cardiac health in the hands of doctors: he must take a pro-active role himself.

There we go - a cracker of a mini-reading on health, and one that will acutally be useful to him. Pardon me while I cut'n'paste, then scamper away and email him.

diane drizzy

This way a very helpful format-I always have a hard time doing health readings and found this to be simple and to the point. But then again I've always liked three card reading for that very purpose. Many thanks nisaba.


No, it's not normal for a few cards in a spread to have something to say and for the others to lay dormant. All the cards in a spread should answer the position they are related to.

That being said, it is possible that the Celtic Cross is not the best spread for your questions about health. My best advice is to ask the cards themselves why your last reading did not go as planned and what you can do to get more revealing answers about health-related questions.

If something's not working, ask the cards why. They'll tell you if you ask. There are really no questions you can't ask your deck.



I echo everything here - and also caution against such a large spread since you say you have only been learning for a few weeks. Most of us here would say we are still learning - and that is one hell of a spread to get your head around.


Thanks so much for all of your input. Babs I really like what you said about asking the cards why....that is very interesting...
As far as using the celctic cross...The books I have read so far and are studying all center around this as the main spread. And I have been extremley pleased with the answers in my personal readings.


I'm impressed. The Celtic Cross is BIG and there are many threads here saying it is hard for a beginner. It has certainly been a nightmare for me !


Emphasis on canning the Celtic Cross for health readings. You want a spread that answers the questions you have about your health issues, and the fewer cards, perhaps, the better (as the others have said.)

I won't read health issues for others, but if something comes up in a general spread that urges me to prompt the querent to seek medical attention, I'll certainly do that.

You need to be careful not to "practice medicine without a license," if you don't have one. You can do more harm than good without meaning to and open yourself up for a lawsuit or arrest! Or, if you do a health reading on yourself, you could hurt yourself in much the same way if you misinterpret something.

I, too, urge caution here.


I have no interest in reading health for others...I was specificlly talking about myself and a certain health issue I have had since child hood.