The 29th degree : why so critical?


Why do some consider the 29th degree of a sign critical in a negative way?

Anyone care to comment?

Maggie :)

Edited to shorten post.


What's your take MM?

Bee :)


Not sure what to think actually.

I always thought it was cool and I'd be more incline to think that the planet could use qualities from both signs. Ie: the sun at 29th degree cancer, could display cancer qualities as well as Leo's.

But as I mentioned, I'm hearing otherwise. Especially when the moon &/ or saturn are involved.

The 29th degree would suggest a hardship, or a rite of passage of some kind.

Do you know anything regarding that notion?

Maggie :)

Edited : typo error


This is interesting, because i also read that people born on the 29th of the month have "hardships" and challenges..i was born on this date...

Wondering what the significance is here?



strangebrew said:
This is interesting, because i also read that people born on the 29th of the month have "hardships" and challenges..i was born on this date...

I did not know that. I am even more intrigued now!

However the # 29 is making think of saturn's returns every 29th year. Could it be ''correlated''?

Maggie :)

Edited to add : Where would a practicing astrologer consider a 29th degree planet to be? Would the astrologer consider the planet in both signs? I am really wondering.


Ooohh yes of course saturn return...

how very interesting....!!! I was born on the 29th October and have had many challenges to say the least, maybe the number is significant for "learning"...

..what do you think?



Honestly? I have to do some digging about that.....I wish I knew.

Yet, It almost sound ''out of sort'', you know what I mean?

Like, why would the 29th of a month be so critical too?

It certainly deserves some looking into. If only to be sure one way or the other.


Maggie :)

PS: I know that times are difficult for Scorpios these days... very difficult. In terms of astrological transits, I am not sure I could explain it however.
Hold tight!


Oh Maggie thanks you dont have to explain it...i can FEEEEEL it so bad, having no less than FIVE planets in Scorpio, i feel stretched to the limit....hope it passes soon...



strangebrew said:
Oh Maggie thanks you dont have to explain it...i can FEEEEEL it so bad, having no less than FIVE planets in Scorpio, i feel stretched to the limit....hope it passes soon...


ohhh... I am sooo upset for you. But April and May are friendly months for scorpios! I should know, I am a Taurus!


Maggie :)


My Saturn is in the 29th Degree of Pisces. I have an astrologer friend who holds that this is a critical position, not because it's bad, but because it has something to do with the galactic alignment (and I hate this because I can't quote chapter and verse and give any more details) - and that gives the position some kind of doorway to the cosmos.

I have not the faintest clue about that theory, myself. I would tend to say that so close to another sign, a planet is beginning to feel the influences of that other - and sort of "rounding off" its business in its current sign. Saturn doesn't move that fast, so that shifting influence - if there is one - is likely to be felt over a long period of time.

Saturn's not that comfortable in Pisces anyway - far too diffuse for its stern influence! It is an orphan there. Coming up to Aries - a sign in which it is in fall - so not going towards great things either. No pun intended - but integrating Saturn in my life has been a bit of a challenge, to say the least. It's more like a hate-hate relationship, as I baulk at any restriction, though intellectually accept there must be some.

Maybe I should go for that cosmic doorway :D. I can't think what the Old Man would make of such freedom!