The Full Moon X Factor


I apologize for deleting the post and not correcting it right away.

Here was the question ( with a little twist this time) :

A transiting Full moon is known to 'wreck havoc' in people's emotions, elderlies are more agitated, the hospital's emergency is usually busier, babies are crankier than normal ect...

Personally, I become more sensitive than usual.

I was wondering if you wanted to comment on it, since today is a full moon.

Maggie :)

edited : correction


I celebrate the Full Moon as part of my spiritual practice :)

More babies are born of at the full moon (unless inducements speed up their arrival) than at any other time of the month. We are more sensitive - that has a positive outlet as well, because it makes us more intuitive, psychic even. That sensitivity can become anger and anxiety too, when that powerful energy is not understood and negotiated within ourselves or between people.

It is the best time to do magic, divination and complete a creative endeavour. It's a time to reap efforts and to finish off your planting for that moon cycle.

In Libra, the Full Moon is particularly affecting relationships and issues of justice and balance between people.


Did you ever hear about this idea that when there is a full moon,....etc

Not an 'idea'. A proven fact for surgery = 'bleeders'. Remember that we are all little more than a bag-of-water. Each of us respond individually to the phases of the Moon.

Why do you keep asking for responses to questions which can be very easily discovered?



Bernice said:
Why do you keep asking for responses to questions which can be very easily discovered?



Fudugazi said:
I celebrate the Full Moon as part of my spiritual practice :)

More babies are born of at the full moon (unless inducements speed up their arrival) than at any other time of the month. We are more sensitive - that has a positive outlet as well, because it makes us more intuitive, psychic even. That sensitivity can become anger and anxiety too, when that powerful energy is not understood and negotiated within ourselves or between people.

It is the best time to do magic, divination and complete a creative endeavour. It's a time to reap efforts and to finish off your planting for that moon cycle.

In Libra, the Full Moon is particularly affecting relationships and issues of justice and balance between people.

I didn't know that. Thank you so much.

Happy Full Moon!



It is the best time to read for me. :)

OH and apparently it began a little early because everyone on the road yesterday was a loon! It was insane!!!

BTW don't delete, your posts are fun and interesting. :)


Fudugazi said:
Full moon in action? ;)

I think Maggie has left the building!

What is the deal with this full moon - it seems to be more stressful than others? I can feel the energy. Maybe I am wrong.


franniee said:
What is the deal with this full moon - it seems to be more stressful than others? I can feel the energy. Maybe I am wrong.
No, you are right, I think. I am staying with my parents in Spain till next week. The day started with my mother loosing her temper with my father because he was using her towel (!!) to clean the bedroom window. It went downhill from there. We've all lost our tempers! My mother can't kick her bad moon. The boiler leaked and caused a flood. Then the electricity unexplainably blew - it's a public holiday here so it's been difficult to find anyone. We found the friend of a friend to come, but he's not yet been able to find what's causing the fault. Not the flood, apparently. Everything and everybody is just too FULL to overspilling. Libra is about the challenge to balance and adjust - man, it's playing itself out!

And the dog is very strange today as well.


ah well I have a libra moon so maybe that is adding insult to injury!

I hope things work out in the end for you.... the moon should be full in 20 minutes and then we can relax. :)