A Beginners Tool For Learning


Hi Everyone,
I thought I might share a teaching tool that I am using to help with learning the Tarot. I have a difficult time learning something out of books. I usually am a hands on type of person that once I learn the mechanics I get the rest by doing and having instinct take over...So for the time being while I am learning the mechanics I have a found a interesting flash card technique that really seems to be helping me get the basic meanings and feelings down and I thought I might share this for other beginners.

I have a I-touch and scanned in my Gilded Tarot set. I then downloaded a app called Creative Coefficient PhotoAlbum. This is a photo album that you can add a photo and then txt underneath it..So it works really great to add all the cards and the basic meanings and you can flip to just a full image of the card without the txt...The only downside is that it did take me ahwile to scan and then type in all the txt. But well worth it. When I have free moment in the day at work I can flip open and study each card individual...



That's actually a good idea.

I have an iPhone, and I have a couple decks stored on there as individual photo albums. In a pinch I can look at cards when I don't have access to my physical deck(s). Also, I can "draw" cards by playing the photo album in random mode. Good for getting a 1-3 card reading when I don't have a deck around.

In practice I don't use this too often; but I've used it at work. I'm more likely to refer to a card image for comparison purposes than to read this way. But it's nice, because I always have my phone with me, so I'll always have access to a tarot deck. :D

Obviously your method of getting keywords is intended for different purposes, but I thought I'd share what I've found helpful.


Excellent idea!

I have a Sony Clie which I have used in a similar way. Very handy for storing all sorts of info. I can even read whole books on it.
Everything you need for study at the touch of a button, and compact too. Also great for scanning in your card of the day and adding any thoughts as they come to you.

Ah, technology is grand indeed, but when it comes down to it, nothing beats flipping through a "flesh and blood" deck.


Yes, I am really finding this useful in learning the Tarot during the day. But you are correct that nothing beats the blood and cards.