Positive Astrology - or What Can Be Done About Weaknesses?


Often in astrology reports and threads, there are discussions about weaknesses in natal charts or other personal charts (solar returns, etc.); or tense aspects from transitting planets.

I mention these myself. My crappy Mercury, my depressed and none-too-strong Saturn, the oppostion between Saturn Rx and my Sun, etc etc. Every few months there is a whole flurry of panic about Mercury Rx. Cheer up folks - there's another one just round the corner :D

By nature, I'm an optimist. I don't like to be beaten by circumstance or fate. I recognise outer circumstances as helpers or obstacles, but my attitude when faced with an obsctacle - whether inner or outer - is: so, how do I get round THIS ONE?

Maybe it comes from having climbed mountains all my life! Or maybe because Jupiter is my strongest natal planet ;)

Anyway - I would like to know: how do you overcome these natal or periodic astro-obstacles or weaknesses? What do you do to manage a weak planet or tense aspect? How do you bring out the best out of yourself or a situation?


The answer is you work at it, long and hard LOL

As I posted in another thread, Morin argued that the natal and return charts show the promises but that's all. To get that which is promised you have to act. The same applies to the weaknesses. You use Astrology to identify where you have weaknesses and you work to overcome them, or ameliorate them.

Thus if like me you have Saturn in Detriment in the Twelfth conjunct the Ascendant and opposing the Moon. It coulb be worse, at least Saturn is direct and the Moon is in Aquarius so Saturn rules it.

Now that means that my analytical skills are naturally weak and as Saturn rules my Seventh, I find it difficult to easily get on with others. I'm naturally shy. At school I was rubbish in maths and anything to do with analysis, the only thing that I could manage was Geometry - my first love affair with the Greeks.

About the time that Saturn was half way round its circle of my chart, probably the time that it actually entered Aquarius and conjoined my natal Moon, I decided to work at those areas. Indeed I decided to work at everything. Two of the best teachers I had were ones I disliked and found intimidating. They were the classic Saturn disciplinarians BUT I related to what they were trying to do.

Now my natal promise does not show great achievements in education but by accepting Saturn's work requirement I managed to get enough qualifications to get on a degree course and then to a Masters. Not brilliant results just about average. But if I'd have said that I've no chance with such a dysfunctional Saturn, I'd have given up and achieved nothing.

I'm not blowing my own trumpet here, If I can do it, then most others can do it and probably better.Work to improve your weak areas. Astrology helps you to identify them but it's up to you what you do about them then.


Fudugazi said:
I mention these myself. My crappy Mercury, my depressed and none-too-strong Saturn, the oppostion between Saturn Rx and my Sun, etc etc. Every few months there is a whole flurry of panic about Mercury Rx. Cheer up folks - there's another one just round the corner :D

If its any consolation, I have a very weak chart myself. I found that introspection & humility are the antidotes. (which I lack!!!! LOL).

Maggie :)


Thanks, Maggie and Minderwiz.

I agree with you, Minderwiz, but one of the problems I have is identifying exactly what the problem is in some cases. With Saturn, it's easy (although not easy to overcome :D). But with Mercury... see, mercurial areas are all areas I've been rather proud of in my life; yet haven't achieved as much as I hoped I would, and have failed at some things I really wanted to achieve. It's partly that fact - which I've concluded to now in my early 40s - that has led me to look at my chart more closely, and to study traditional astrology, because modern astrology told me pretty much nothing that could explain my Mercury issues.

I have identified clear weaknesses: I talk too much and don't listen enough; I can be verbally volatile; I can misunderstand what people say or mean and as a result, get into arguments; I start many writing projects I don't finish; I spread my curiosity too widely. Allied to a weak Saturn and a strong Jupiter, I don't always have the discipline to fulfill my optimistic Mercury projects.

But these are not issues I identified young. Probably because I was quick-witted and thought and learnt fast - and write fast - many of the intellectual weaknesses didn't worry me or many people when I was younger; and because I do have human qualities of kindness and empathy, my verbal gaffes and listening ineptitude were forgiven. But a handful of important and painful life failures in the past 3 years have slapped me in the face, and I'm staring at my natal chart wondering: how come I never knew this? How come I failed to see all this? And what can I do about it now?

I wish I were 14, but I'm not, and I find myself having to overcome a lifetime of bad habits. No wonder this year is such an uphill struggle. I feel like I'm starting at the bottom... and I'm wondering if I even have the energy to do so.


Fudugazi said:
Thanks, Maggie and Minderwiz.

I wish I were 14, but I'm not, and I find myself having to overcome a lifetime of bad habits. No wonder this year is such an uphill struggle. I feel like I'm starting at the bottom... and I'm wondering if I even have the energy to do so.


You do have the strength. All your other planets have positive scores. Jupiter, Mars, Sun and Moon are all strong. These will more than outweigh weak Mercury..

You know how your Mercury disfunctions. Now see what you can do by using the other aspects of your personality.

And remember that there are friends, both online and around you who will provide the support you need.


Thank you, Minderwiz! I am indeed blessed with very supportive friends on and offline. It's a miracle most of them are still talking to me, but they are :laugh:

I need support that includes the occasional "be quiet Fudu and listen" or "you're not making sense" or - "of course you can write it - and finish it off!" :D

Finding and tapping into those parts of our chart (as mirrors of our personality) that help the most is interesting and challenging (but then I like a challenge).


Fudugazi said:
I have identified clear weaknesses: I talk too much and don't listen enough; I can be verbally volatile; I can misunderstand what people say or mean and as a result, get into arguments; I start many writing projects I don't finish; I spread my curiosity too widely. Allied to a weak Saturn and a strong Jupiter, I don't always have the discipline to fulfill my optimistic Mercury projects.

But these are not issues I identified young. Probably because I was quick-witted and thought and learnt fast - and write fast - many of the intellectual weaknesses didn't worry me or many people when I was younger; and because I do have human qualities of kindness and empathy, my verbal gaffes and listening ineptitude were forgiven.

You have explained how I am exactly. EXACTLY!! And although I have not recently had failures (thanks to increasing spirituality and natal chart knowledge!) I did have huge failures in my 20s and 30s (I'm almost 41).

If I had known about my chart and really taken a good look at myself a long time ago, I seriously doubt I'd have made those mistakes.

I had unbelievable trouble in grammar school (was made fun of and ostracized) and that led to rebellious behavior in high school, so instead of starting fresh in high school, things got worse. And high school was truly my fault, whereas in grammar school I did not see why I was made fun of (as I was totally compassionate and empathetic) unless they were intimidated or jealous (of what, I can't imagine...)

In studying my chart, I believe I also didn't listen well but had no problem talking. I'm still like that and although I can't remember how I was with friends in 3rd through 8th grade, maybe those kids were turned off by something I said! I'm constantly trying to figure out if it was a karmic thing that had to happen to me or some vibe I gave off that was asking for trouble.

I keep thinking that the insecure bullies could feel my trusting, caring and compassionate nature and knew I'd be perfect to pick on. I have no idea but it totally scarred me and I'm still trying to deal with being in public, with being in groups (friends, neighbors, parties...) and feeling like everyone is talking about me...Oh, I could go on.

But since I'm making the long story long, I need to end by saying I completely relate to how you feel!


Hello everyone,

All this talk has led me to wonder about the weaknesses in my own chart. Can anyone tell me how to determine this or point out a thread or link that might help me find out?

Thanks. :)


I am no where as advanced in the orbits of planets through signs and things like that but i did do an astro report on myself and it offered some interesting advice that tiptoes on the major life changes I am coming to terms with having to make. My concern is my anger. I have a mars in pisces and I have to say that is not the most assertive as far as the fiery aggression attributed to mars. my atsro was saying that because my ascendant which is virgo is in opposition to my mars that i lack self confidence and that my natural aggressive ways are attempts to prove to myself that I am more assertive than I am. I remember in my younger days embodying this paradox perfectly. i felt so pushed around that I rebelled against everybody just for the sake of proving to myself my strength. As I got older I ended up repressing anger altogether because I didnt know how to properly and constructively express it without a fight on my hands and with mars in pisces, pisces loses energy during back and forth arguments. But I was miserable. I would shirk away from a verbal fight to avoid having to make a stand and feel unsure of my anger. i felt like I was "wrong" to be angry or needed a good reason to be angry (to which as logical and honest as I try to be, I could not find one that suited my high morals).

Now I have begun working with my anger and not seeing it as wrong.I get afraid to express but I decided to know in every moment that I get angry why i am angry so I can communicate that. I know I will have to stand up to opposition in life and my concern is that a pisces mars will make me a phony as far as cultivating true self-confidence. I read in a book that my something sun will pass through leo by the time I am 25 and thats where I will come to terms with having true self confidence. Any insights into a pisces mars?


i decided that although i am learning astrology i wanted a one to one counselling session with my astrology teacher to help me on the right path...
will let you know how i get on with it