Strange symbolic dream about tarot cards


I had a very strange dream full of symbols which I feel is trying to tell me something.

In my dream I was reading tarot cards but the pack was unlike any I had ever seen. The first card was the Rose card which I felt was like the Ace of Pentangles, then Rose`s daughter which was like the Page of Pentangles, then another Rose card. I thought the cards were not shuffled so I selected one at random from the middle of the pack and it had the same red five petaled rose with a pink and gold background on it and a message for me. It said that I was going to be rich and there was a incantation to Perspephone the Greek goddess on it. Then I woke up.

I had the feeling that the roses as they had 5 petals represented Pentagles, I have a strong attraction to Pentangles and even have a tatoo of one. However when I read cards I usually represent myself with the Page of Cups although lately I am more attracted to the Queen of Cups as I have many of the typical traits associated with this card being fair, dreamy and very emotional. The Queen/Page of Pentangles has often represented an unfriendly woman or love rivial for me personaly although I wish I could take on some of her more artional down to earth traits.

I don`t understand the Perspephone reference, in my dream she had light brown hair and Summer about her. There were no Pommegranits! Myself I would find a Rose symbolic for the Virgin Mary or Mary Magdalene or possibly Venus.

It was so vivid but I`m confused. I'm not great with handeling money, and I do n't think I have any big inherinences coming from long lost relatives. I don't gamble. The rich imagery of the dream has stayed with me. Can anyone help me shed any light on it.


I wish I had dreams like that! Mine are usually really mundane, such as being at work or doing my taxes... :-/

Anyway, being rich could mean money, or it could mean rich in a more non-material way. Do you have personal associations for Persephone? And didn't the Rosicrucians use a 5 petaled rose in their symbols? I think you are on the right track associating the rose with a pentacle, as the 5 petals correspond to the 5 points and the fact that you are so strongly attracted to Pentacles.

Have you tried to do a dream interpretation tarot reading? Rachel Pollack has one in her book The Complete Illustrated Guide to the Tarot that has worked well for me. Basically, you break the dream down into individual pieces (such as events or strong symbols), then draw a card for each one.