opinions neeeded

Do you think a photo on a Tarot web site is helpful to attracting new clients?

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  • Poll closed .


Today I was given the advice to put a photo of myself on my Tarot web site. And that it would help me attract more clients. Intially, I'd always heard not to in case for some reason or other the person looking at your site is not drawn to the way yuo look (maybe you look like their mother in law that they are none to fond of...or whatever) so you could lose potential clients that way.

What does everyone think? Do you all think a photo of yourself on your web page is helpful or harmful? Many of you have seen what I look like, as I had my avatar as my image until recently so feel free to be as honest as you want. LOL



I think more people will be drawn to an actual face of an actual person, and if you look at magazine print ads...a big percentage of them include a human face with or without body. That's because people like to envision who they are dealing with, I think. You become a person to them...not just some slick advertising.

(And really, how many mothers-in-law can you look like???:D)



Thanks for your help and to everyone who is kind enough to help me decide.

These polls are such a cool way to decide what is the best way to proceed between different options. I may have to try more of them. This was my first ever. :grin:



I look like a female Grim Reaper. Or "The Freak" out of "Prisoner" for anyone familiar with tragic Aussie TV. No photos for me! Not current ones, anyway. The 2003 image I use as my avatar here will do just fine.


Yes, because your website is selling a "product" and you are the brand. People will want someone they can relate to, and envisage, rather than something cold or distant. Especialy if your selling email readings or phone readings. Having said that, depends a lot on what your brand looks like LOL You want a picture where you look decent, and project the image you want to send. If you don't want to put a picture of yourself, or don't think you can get one to send the right image then its probably better left off.


I'll post the finished photo here for feedback first if I do it. :grin:



I voted yes to putting a photo on even though I don't like putting photos of myself or the girls on the internet. I'm thinking of putting my photo on my Tarot reading site, though.


Grizabella said:
I voted yes to putting a photo on even though I don't like putting photos of myself or the girls on the internet. I'm thinking of putting my photo on my Tarot reading site, though.

Well I set this poll for 90 days, so you can watch and see what most people think about it and why. :grin: What people say might help you decide too.

I do need a passport soon, so I wanted to have a professionally done photo for that, so if I do put a photo on it will likely be that one. If I want it there to help find more clients I may as well look my best. I'll be sure to go see the hairdresser first if I do :grin:



I voted yes and I do agree with Similia, you are marketing YOU and the services that you provide.


Madame Squee

Hi Babs,

I voted "no" without thinking twice, and now I'm trying to find the words to frame my gut instinct.

My first thought is that I've seen photos of readers on ebay (mostly men) that would keep me from ever wanting a reading from them, which is unfair but true. I think it goes to the issue of judging a book by its cover. I'm a horrible person... :( but we all know that packaging sells. :)

I just don't think you're trying to sell yourself -- I think you're trying to sell good, effective Tarot Readings, and therefore, the graphics on your website should convey that idea somehow...

So, what kind of graphic would I suggest, instead of photo? How about something like the Fool from the Ancestral Path Tarot? I personally feel like that would be an ideal graphic for a reading website -- an artist's conception of the Reader performing an excellent Tarot reading. So, all you have to do is find an artist and put your heads together!

Thanks & good luck -- I enjoyed the opportunity to participate in your survey.
