It Came Out of Nowhere!


Have you ever had one of those moments where you're reading, and the instant you see the card you just know? Now, I've only been reading for a little over a year, so I'm sure nearly everyone else has had one of these moments. So, here's my little story:

I went to Starbucks today for a few hours. I took one of my books, my laptop, and my Gilded deck. I planned on spending a few hours away from home in an environment that smells great and is mostly quiet but still has enough background sound. I was taking notes on my laptop of the cards and so forth. This man was sitting at a different table and he walked by me to throw something away and asked, "Waiting to find someone to practice on?" I laughed and said, "Maybe." I expected him to ask for a reading, but he chuckled and went back to his seat. About an hour later he left and two other guys came in to play chess.

On my side of the room it was just me, those two chess guys, a young girl who seemed to be studying, and an older lady who seemed to be reading a book (but I couldn't tell because the wall thing was in my way). So I thought it would be fun to pull two cards to see what each was up to. I received the Three of Pentacles for the young girl and thought, "Well, she must be adding finishing touches to a project." For the other lady I pulled Temperance. The instant I saw the card I said to myself, "She's waiting for someone."

The difference between this and other times is how I just knew. I didn't have to sit there and think about it to have information start flowing. I just knew! After a moment I thought, "She's probably just reading a book. I don't know where that thought came from but it's probably wrong."

Three minutes later a lady walked in the door and said to the other, "Hey! I'm so sorry that I'm late!" I chuckled to myself and felt very proud.

So I guess my question is, what are your moments like when you flip over a card and just know?

Wingéd Mermaid

I havn't had one yet, but I've just started- it sounds exiting though! Sounds like you're really starting to connect ^_^


That's kind of how it works. :D

I remember, a few years ago, when I was first dating my now fiance, I did a reading about us.

I pulled three cards, two were courts and the Heirophant was between them. I knew we'd get married. He proposed 2 months after we started dating. It kind of ruined the surprise for me. We still aren't married, financial reasons for me, but we've been happily living together for years.

You've probably just opened the flood gates. Trust those things you get!


There are loads of those little moments when you are increasingly aware that you are connecting with the cards and starting to understand the moments it is speaking to you.

But if you think that is cool, wait until you know what a card is before you turn it over. That will knock your socks off.


Briar Rose

I had a moment last year at this time when I did a reading for my now ex-boyfriend's mom. I got to the last 3 cards and I stook up and said, "You are going to break us up!" She inisisted she loved me at the time, but then I found out she gets super jealous of all the girls he loves, and she did break us up.

It's a moment in time I will never forget.


Onyx said:
There are loads of those little moments when you are increasingly aware that you are connecting with the cards and starting to understand the moments it is speaking to you.

But if you think that is cool, wait until you know what a card is before you turn it over. That will knock your socks off.


is that common for long time readers? how many years until you were able to do that..that is awesome!


olivia1 said:
is that common for long time readers? how many years until you were able to do that..that is awesome!

I have been reading for a couple of years. I have been pulling daily draws for years and every so often I will get a feel for how the day will go and the card I was going to draw.

I do my daily draws in the morning. The first time was a day where I just new a lot of stuff was going to happen and I would need to be at my best to make it all work out. I was shuffling thinking "It's going to be a Chariot day." I turned over the card and it was the Chariot. I nearly dropped the deck.

I has only happened once in a reading but after a couple of cards it was clear that direction it was going. Loads of conflict and so I knew that the Five of Wands was coming up and it did.

I think I have heard of others who have had this happen. I think it is discussed in The Process audio book.



Tons of times I've thought of a card and it turned up. Lately the Death card will come to mind suddenly and it will be in the draw. Since I've been an elder lady, shall we say (?), I've "known" things a lot more anyway. I've always "known" things, but it's very common now and I've gotten used to it. With the cards, it happens very frequently and my advice to others is to relax. Don't make it harder than it is by trying to remember memorized meanings or trying to find the "right" answers. The more you relax and let things flow, the greater your ability will become.


Yes. And also - recently - I pulled a card and I JUST KNEW it was the WRONG ONE. I posted a thread as I wondered if it was me resisting something, and I needed to work on this - but others had felt the same at times.

Flashes are wonderful !


gregory said:
Yes. And also - recently - I pulled a card and I JUST KNEW it was the WRONG ONE. I posted a thread
I remember that thread!