When you use the wrong spread


Last night I looked to the cards for some advice regarding what I should do in a certain situation today. I guess it was late and I wasn't all that with it, and in that state of mind had the brilliant idea that a celtic cross spread was just what was called for. After just a few cards I realized it was not the appropriate spread, and something like a 3 card would have been much better. I paused not knowing if I should even continue the spread, because in a way it wouldn't really get me the information I needed. In the end, I concluded that whatever my intention was consciously, the cards would still show me what I needed to know, so I finished and looked at that spread. While it gave me a lot of information, I would have had a clearer picture I think if I had started again.

What do YOU do if you realize mid-way that you used the wrong spread or your question was poorly worded or other such fumble?



I stop, take some time out and start over - carefully. Don't beat yourself up ! We all have days when everything goes wrong - even pulling cards.

This even happens VERY occasionally (as in twice ever !) that as soon as I pull the cards I KNOW they are WRONG and that is all there is to it - before I even start to look at them for interps.

I never use a CC - well, I did once; I then stopped reading for over 30 years ! I have only once ever, since then, used more than 5 cards....


Just pick'em up and start over. It's not a big deal. :) If you feel like you have to continue with the CC because you think something was meant to come out in it, then do it but THEN pick'em up and start over. There aren't any "have to's" in Tarot. If something doesn't work for you, just do something else. :D


life happens, and it isnt perfect, as gregory and griz say, dust yourself off and try again


I just scrap it and try again.


I would do the same as others said - start over. :)


Yes - but I'd take a break before the second go - I'd get some sun on my face or wind in my hair. Just to clear up my energy after the first "failure".


I don't think you are somehow going to miss out on getting the "right answer" if you change your mind. I feel that you will get the right answer for you whether you continue the reading or start a new one.
As the others have said, don't be worried, just do what feels right at the time. If your gut says "do another spread" then that is the right thing for you to do IMO.
There's also no reason why you can't finish the spread and then do a one or three card spread for clarification. There is no right or wrong.


Thanks everyone. I am glad I went ahead and finished the spread. I then tweaked my question with the info the CC gave, and did a basic 3 card spread after writing down my thoughts on the first. It is good to hear some reassurance about other options. Thanks for sharing.


The best readings you'll ever get are the ones where you're not up tight and worried about the "right" thing to do. There aren't "right" things to do with the cards, really. If you relax and just use them, that's the "right" thing for you and for the situation. :)