Thoughts on Horay Astrology


I just wanted to ask if anyone avoids asking a Horay question when the moon is void of course if you really wanted a Yes answer.This kind of goes against what the universe is trying to tell you though doesn't it? However I've read that If the Moon is within orb of a major aspect, it is not considered VOC and the chart can still be read therefore may not give a negative response.I personally have avoided looking to see when the moon is VOC just so as it doesn't influence me casting the chart;so far I have got some concrete answers to long term pressing questions one example is "Sould I relocate back to UK?" I got a firm NO :bugeyed:


Moon VOC is not a 'NO' answer. It is an indication that the chart is not radical - that is the chart is not fit for judgement. Therefore proceeding with the matter is not likely to lead to a satisfactory outcome. Effectively this might amount to the same thing as 'No' because there will be no support from the Moon and the Moon is a significator of the matter being considered.

If the Moon is in Taurus,Cancer Sagittarius,or Pisces things might work out even if the Moon is VOC. These are the signs of rulership and exaltation of the benefics. Jupiter rules Pisces and Sagitarius and is exalted in Cancer. Venus rules Taurus (where the Moon is exalted) and is exalted in Pisces.

If the Moon is making a major aspect (and these are the only ones that count in horary) to a planet early in the next sign then it is not VOC, especially if it's in the signs mentioned above. Early here means really the first couple of degrees.

Someone like Lilly would have worked out the positions of the Moon and planets for the day plus the Ascendant and MC for the start o his consulting period. All he would need to do is to move the positions forward the required amount for each new consultation. He would therefore know when the Moon was VOC and would either not give an answer or more likely (because he got paid for the answer) give a warning that things may not work out well. No doubt in the former case he would urge the client to return at an appropriate time.