romance and Tarot


Is there something wrong with me? Am I in a tiny minority to believe that there are far better and more important uses for Tarot than asking endless questions about someone else's romantic interest in you?

I mean ...

Really ...


There are lots of things tarot is good for, but it's not wrong to wonder about love, either. It does make the world go 'round, or so I hear. :love:


Well, i too think its a bit of a worry Nisaba, I get the impression that alot of peoples self esteem is wrapped up in what others think of them , and games of winning the attention of someone who is already involved ,a some sort of trophy/game.
But i realize also relationships are important but SOME stuff, too be honest make me wonder --
OK -, ready to get clobbered!


i might do love readings for myself all the time because the rest of my life is pretty sorted, and i get the answers to most other questions i ask.

my love life i always get silly responses like 'be patient' etc, so i always throw some cards out for it ...invariably i get the same answer but always worth a try!

i dont have self-esteem issues, and i only throw cards out about someone else feelings for me if i am already involved with them, and usually i do ask them directly too.

I worry when people use tarot as a barrier, "if he isnt going to be my life partner i wont go on a date with him..."


Instead of working last night, at work, I gave coworkers tarot readings. Hey, it's a rough life, but someone has to do it. :laugh:

I probably gave twenty readings, and only one was specifically about relationships, and that one was a bit boogered, the relationship, not the reading, of course. So, I seem to go in runs. Sometimes people want to talk about love, sometimes they don't.

I think folks like to know about how so-and-so feels because it can be very nerve wracking while you are trying to figure out what is going on, and while no one ever died of embarrassment, it sure feels like it's possible! People ask readers questions that matter to them, and frankly, for me, love and romance matter. Does it make more sense to simply go up to the person and ask? Probably, but where is the fun in that?


I was refering to some extremes, which are not that unusual don't have to look too far ....
But ,yeah, curiosity is normal, asking can be fun -There are a few scenarios -depends on the context really - sometimes though.......


I think relationships are VERY important to people and a valid question to be inquired about...but sometimes I think the messages are hard for people to take if it is not what they want due to the high emotions relationships bring forth.

What I think is a bit much, is the keyword Nisaba used in 'endless'. Asking the same question in 10 different ways or asking questions about EVERY aspect of the relationship is (and this is ONLY my OPINION) unhealthy. In a case such as that, it is almost becoming an obsession rather than allowing the relationship to just be and unravel. Sometimes clarification on an issue is great, or words of advice.....but asking about anything and everything and not letting it go is where it gets to be a bit much. I can say this because I have been there and done that during a period of my life when my self esteem was pretty low. So what did I do? I spent time away from tarot and got my act together. Sometimes its a journey....a lesson to be learned.....but now I am rambling.



Nothing is more important than easing your mind if something is truly worrying you and weighing on you. I try not to judge people for what kinds of concerns weigh on them. It's just my job to help, not to judge, the way I see it. And I've had my share of romantic issues too that have been troublesome.



nisaba said:
Is there something wrong with me? Am I in a tiny minority to believe that there are far better and more important uses for Tarot than asking endless questions about someone else's romantic interest in you?
Well, yes, but let's keep in perspective that those who are in a minority (I hope) who do nothing with the tarot but endlessly ask such questions, are also the ones likely to be dissatisfied with any answer not absolutely positive. I think of them as 7 of Cups romantics; they'd rather dream about "Happily ever after" endings and finding "soul mates" then actually live in an imperfect world with an imperfect partner.

Hey. People are lonely, and life is painful, sometimes hurtful and hard and unpleasant, and nothing at all like a fairy tale where you're rewarded for all that hardship by being given a beautiful gown, a night as the center of attention at the ball, and a handsome prince to love and adore you forever. Unfortunately for 7 of Cups romantics, the Tarot is about life, not fairy tales. So they're trapped in a Catch-22. They ask a question in hopes of a fantasy answer, and the tarot gives them a dose of reality; as that's not the answer they want, they ask again. And again. And post the answers here in hopes that someone will assure them that they got their fantasy answer, and not a dose of reality. Which they absolutely do not want to face.

Someone really needs to create a "wish-come-true" deck where every answer is the one you want to hear, not the truth ;)


nisaba said:
Is there something wrong with me? Am I in a tiny minority to believe that there are far better and more important uses for Tarot than asking endless questions about someone else's romantic interest in you?

I mean ...

Really ...
You aren't alone, no. I would rather people were asking about how THEY could change themselves if relationship issues keep cropping up. I particularly hate the "does he love me ?" ones.

ASK him. :)

Here I am almost alone, I believe - but I won't answer that one anyway. I won't try and second guess the feelings of someone who hasn't been asked if they mind the question being put to me, and who isn't even present. So many of the relationship requests for readings are the same thing over and over - once is one thing, but over and over - I think that is nisaba's issue here ?