I REALLY need some insight on this matter...


Please, if you have taken the time to click and read this, please take the time to respond because I would like as many differing points of views as possible.

Here is my concern.

As Tarot readers, if you pull a set of cards that shows lost battles, hidden enemies, distress, and all around un-success for a period in a person's life do you call a spade a spade?

I mean, if it is what it is, why try and spruce it up to make it look as if it's something else? Without sounding all doom and gloomy, there is a way to communicate about a reality that isn't necessarily so sunny right??

Reason that I am asking is because this past year has been terribly tough for me. For the 1st time in my life I was homeless, sleeping in my car for most of the Winter, unable to find a job although I have 2 college degrees. And though I am out of my car finally, I am still in the exact same situation, unable to find a secure income source. And through all of this not one time did I complain, but there is some frustration that I keep to myself.

Anyway, my point is this. Twice I have been told that I need to change the way I look at my situation. LOL But I'm not sure how else I should perceive the fact that I was sleeping in my car in 19 degree weather every night most of this year. I mean, what other way is there to look at something like this? The Tower card predicted that my life would drastically change, and BOY did it. LOL And even now, readings continue to show little change, so should I ignore the messages from Tarot and pretend like all is good?

I'm confused. How do fellow readers feel? Would you be inclined to mislead querents in the name of neo-age-y "keeping it positive" when the reality of the situation is not so positive?

Ok, give it to me.


No, if you see bad you got to tell bad.

But you can't just say to someone 'your life is just going to be shit for ages, live with it'. For a start that's a bit cruel, and for second sometimes predictions become self fulfilling prophesies, so if you tell them to expect bad they could well make bad happen when it wouldn't have otherwise.

So, you got to tell them there are difficult times ahead, but you need to find something else to say that makes it 1. not inevitable and 2. not quite so depressing. And that will depend on the other cards. and if all the cards are bad then you ask a new question and turn some more to find out what can be done to change it or what good might be coming up.

And usually something can be found to say that isn't totally bad and is true to what the cards are saying.

That's what I would try to do.


telling truths

I absolutely tell people the truth. The real key is that I do not offer any judgments or opinions. I am simply relaying information from the cards. The whole reason people ask for readings is they want to know. Sometimes truths are difficult to face when they are our own. However, I firmly believe that good decisions are made when all the facts are weighed. Therefore all angles should be explored, right down to am I my own worst problem.

I agree with Lillie, asking for tools to cope and deal with problems is a big part of helping people. There is always light at the end of the tunnel. So when I see a period of turmoil approaching and bad things happening, I look for tools to deal with those things as they come up.

I hope this helps,


I do tell the bad stuff but then I look into how to make it better. So perhaps some readings about how to improve your situation are in order. That may be where you need to change your perspective. I think a more "take charge" attitude is missing. Not to sound harsh or anything. :D


I'd tell it like it is. I remember the first time I read for someone else and the cards described really horrible things. I hesitated, then tried to convey the truth in a watered down way, and they looked at me like I was wrong and said "actually my situation is much worse than that". Total stuff up on my part.

If I was doing that reading again, I would say "wow, things really are terrible for you lately! Now lets do another spread and ask what we can do to make things a little easier for you" :thumbsup:

Maybe that's what would help you starseer. Asking a question about making things better. I hope it works :)


Sinduction said:
That may be where you need to change your perspective. I think a more "take charge" attitude is missing.

similia said:
Maybe that's what would help you starseer. Asking a question about making things better. I hope it works :)

Oh thank you for so many responses!

And to tell the truth, these have really helped me to see somethings: change the focus of the reading.

I truly appreciate the candid dialogue.

Dancing Bear

I agree with all the responses above..
I tell it how it is in the cards.. but in every card or situation there is council (the beauty about Tarot) that council shows a way, how to make things a bit better if they are crap..The council of the cards are good advice. They help you, help yourself.. so dont just read the face value of the cards.. dig a bit deeper and you will find the council that applies to that or those cards..if many cards a combination of helpful solutions.
Maybe not always easy to apply, but where there is a will there is a way..

Good Luck to you,

:love: DB xx


We have this girl who comes into the fair where I read..all the readers know her she files through all the readers over and over...we call her "the girl with no future."
Her cards are dismal...stagnant...and never seem to change.
Yet, she has hope....when she comes to me I say..."let's find one good thing this week..."
And I get a smile.
She has hope and that hope leads her to look time and time again to the cards for help.
I never sugar coat it, and she doesn't expect it...we ask questions in a different way with her...What can I do to change my situation?
"What can I do?" is the opening of every question...because she knows she has to DO something..but she never does..she shakes her head up and down and says yes I'll try that...she has hope, but she doesn't have any forward motion...fear, living condition, just plain feeling beaten down, they all figure into it...but until a client can actually take the advice the cards have to offer and move forward with it they can't make any shift in the situation.
And the cards will show no change.

If you're out of your car you've shifted...you're moving...the cards should be showing that.
Keep asking, what can I do, and then actually do it...it is very rare for the cards to say nothing, there is nothing you can do...and if they do, well, then I'd be the first one to say ok then you have the right to sit back and let the universe show you the next move.
You can lay out cards and see what the energy is now, and lay the cards out and see what the energy will be in the future...but what does that change...it's just a picture of what it will be like if you stay in the same mindset.
But laying the cards out and saying "What can I do to make my future better? And following that advice, that is where your power lies.


Hi, I would look further into available services, charitable organisations in your area that could be of assistance. For everyone who experiences difficult times ,resources are their mostly worldwide. They may not be able to resolve all the issues ,but could help sustain efforts to help get you back on your feet. Tarot does'nt feed you.
I try not to judge people , but do feel Judgement and change is a necessary in this world ,as it does not appear not to be a level playing field.
Mostly my involvement with some corrupt organisations---Just to clarify-- as Judgement has been mentioned so much lately!! is not always negative without it there would be no change, and undue hardship for parts of society is in existence.
All the Best


Great advice, thanks!