exceptionally timid cafe owner


These days I'm reading publicly in a cafe, two afternoons and one day a week.

When I first ran the idea by them, the proprietors were okay with it, but over the first couple of weeks the wife made a point of saying that she wasn't going to have a reading with me until my last day because she felt uneasy about someone at work "knowing her that well". I didn't reply other than to smile and be neutral, because I was only new there and I didn't want to get her to take umbrage and ask me not to come back.

Today she came over and said that a friend of hers had gone to a channeller, and this happened, and that happened, and this was said, and that was said.

It gave me the opportunity I'd been looking for. the channeller had seen a fairly negative possibility for the person; it gave me the chance to point out that I didn't know how this person worked, but when I worked, I looked at possibilities, probabilities and likelihoods, and that if someone was forewarned, they might be able to take evasive action.

She was really, really happy to hear that - her smile was way beyond polite and friendly, it went all the way to relieved.

And I'm so glad to have been able to say it. I feel it cleared the air between us, and not a moment too soon.


good for you And her. Much easier to fix something when you know what the problem is than be shown the door and not know why.

Happy Birthday!


Mfmm fmmfmff

<shoves piece of cake through router>

that was me agreeing with my mouth full, BTW. And in the process of the exchange yesterday, I think I probably removed a negative preconception she may have had, even though she gets to see for herself how my clients are when they leave. I just hadn't seen any chance to raise the subject naturally myself, without making it seem really forced, and I'm glad she gave me a chance.


Hi Nisaba, Happy Birthday to yoo-hoo, happy birthday to you <as tunefully as I know how>

I'm going to try the cafe thing but I think I'm going to have to wait until very early spring - our cafes tend to shut down in winter lol. Because I want try it I'm soaking up all you say Nisaba - all things I can use as hopeful offerings! I'm glad your cafe owner is quieter in her mind about it all - you're likely tro be staying there much longer simply because of that one conversation :)