

I have a question about sage. can you buy sage in its raw form and then dry it out yourself and then use it for cleansing stones/space etc? if so how do you dry it out yourself? what method would you use? i just figure it would be cheaper.


I don't see why not! we grow sage every year, and this year we planted it in a pot and just brought the pot inside. anyway, I always dry some myself. to dry it, I just cut off some stems of sage and tied them together with cooking string, but you could use any string, i guess. then, I hung it upside down in a dry cool room. I cannot recall how long it took to dry out completely, but when it was dried from last years crop, I would take a few leaves and use them in cooking, as well as burn them for a cleansing.


Yeah, just tie the ends & hang them upside down. I grow my own every year. To make a wage wand, just wrap string around & around a dried bunch. In the fall my kitchen smells really good - I've got bundles drying all over the place.


thank you so much! :)