Loyalty to one deck?


I was curious as to how many of you work this. I (like most of you, I assume) am a collector of decks. I have a few that I would love to use for readings, but I have chosen to hone in on one main deck and the RWS deck for readings, and a different deck to read for myself.

Someone told me that I should be 'loyal' to only one deck. It seems that if I am inspired to do readings with other decks I would also have good results.


I use the RWS or very close clones the most frequently but have found that I can read with most of decks. Even if I don't especially like the art. Being loyal to one deck often means that the readings flow more easily, BUT, you can get stale with reading the same deck all of the time and another deck will sometimes spark new thoughts.



When I first get a new deck that I intend to use (haven't reached the "collector" phase yet...), I focus solely on using that deck for awhile, just until I get to know it well.

If I don't do that, I don't feel the same connection with the deck as I do if I just use it a time or two and go on to another deck.

I have a new deck right now that I'm dying to try out, but I'm still getting to know a deck I bought the week before!

Once I feel as if I've got a good grasp on reading with a deck, I start to switch back and forth between my favourites!


I read from several decks. I go in phases where I will use one deck more than the rest.
I can't really explain why. I guess maybe the feel that each deck has on its own is more in tune with what I feel.

Le Fanu

I have about 10 beloved favourites that I rotate. I have about 250 or 300 (really not sure) in my collection (do duplicates count? Different editions of the same deck?).

Nowadays I buy decks pretty sure that they're unlikely to topple the favourites, but - of course - always keeping an open mind.

But I never set out to be loyal to one deck. In an ideal world, it would be nice (less money spent, a simpler life) but of course it doesn't happen.

Plus I don't confuse tarot decks with partners. There is no reason to be rigorously loyal with decks :). Why limit yourself? I know that if you focus on one/few decks, you probably get to go deeper, but there are just so many beautiful ones out there!


For a long time, all I had was the Gilded. So if I was comfortable and familiar, I use the Gilded.

But I don't think you need to form a loyalty...allow yourself to be interested in decks as they suit. Some decks are very good for reading about specific types of things because you connect, like the Bohemian gothic when I'm reading about something darker. Others are all-purpose, like my Gilded is for me. Some just look pretty. ;)

I'd compare it to music while you're working. Sometimes you've got to have music that's perfect for your mood. And other times, it's nice to have the same familiar stuff in the background to keep you company.


I seem to be loyal to about four...I've started using a deck for months at a time.


*stands up*

I am a promiscuous tarot user. I admit it.

I'm wondering if I should invent a tarot myth and see how long it takes to get back to me as 'everyone knows that....' or whatever. Have a search on tarot myths - there are some good threads somewhere.


I've been loyal to one deck, the Liber T, for about 2 years now. Its my reading and study deck.

I used to be a deck hopper, not stopping with one deck long enough to really get to know it and my tarot reading started to get stale, predictable and boring and I questioned whether it was worth going on. So I went for a deck that took me out of my comfort zone and realised it was what I needed.

I think I needed the stability of just one deck to focus on, tarot became fun again and I'm still having a ball with the Liber T.

I still collect decks that interest me, and I do occasionally read with others but I am loyal to one deck.


I've found that I feel more connected to my deck if I limit my use to two or three. Familiarity is key for me, and the two that I use regularly are the Golden (Kat Black) and the Universal Waite.

That doesn't stop me from buying decks though. :D