When you get a new deck...


What do you do? I am expecting my Tarot of the Sweet Twilight any day now. I am wondering what you guys do once you receive a new deck. I will probably run them through incense and jump into reading. What is the best way to get to know your new deck?

Thank you for your comments!


Hi there,

I just bought this deck 2 weeks ago. I ran each one through incense and asked them to absorb my essence. I also just say a few words while holding the cards. I usually just tell the universe that these cards are to be used for good, and that it is my desire to gain insight and understanding of my inner self through the use of the cards. That's all I do, but you can pretty much do whatever feels right for you. As a girl who grew up in the Catholic church, I tend to assign a ritual to things, but it's not necessary. Hope that helps.



When I hold a new deck in my hands, I will start a conversation with them (mainly praise how beautiful they are, and how excited I am when seeing them). Then I will put the deck between my hands and say that "I'm really happy to have you as my new friend, please help me connect with my inner self and be a good friend with me". After that, I will use the Deck Interview spread to get close to them. Doing that helps me create a bond between us, hope this help ;)


Deck interview spread

Hi Puppydung,

cold you please tell me about the deck interview spread? is it something I can find in the spread thread?

Thanks, Jcwirish


I just open them, go through them looking at the images, and spend some time doing that. How much at first depends on a lot of outside things. I'll study them several times before trying a reading.


If possible, I like to cleanse my decks under the light of a full moon when I first get them. It isn't necessary; it's a ritual which I like to do.

But for example, when I got the Transparent Tarot, it started talking to me, :D and there hasn't been a full moon, and I've already done a lot of readings with it. I will eventually cleanse it under a full moon, but sometimes I think the best thing to do is go through the images, look at each image, then shuffle and take off! :party:


jcwirish said:
Hi Puppydung,

cold you please tell me about the deck interview spread? is it something I can find in the spread thread?

Thanks, Jcwirish

I don't remember the link to that thread, but here is the spread

1. Tell me about yourself. What is your most important characteristic?
2. What are your strengths as a deck?
3. What are your limits as a deck?
4. What do you bring to the table - what are you here to teach me?
5. How can I best learn from and collaborate with you?
6. What is the potential outcome of our working relationship?

Hope this help ;)


when i get a new deck, i lay the whole deck out on the table in front of me and just sit and observe, often with candles lit. i bought a magnifying glass to be able to really examine them, and i often go over each card with it during this initial process. then after a looong shuffle, i do the deck interview spread (maybe the same one puppydung mentioned-- easy to find with a forum search) and that really helps build a bond. it never fails to amaze me, that deck interview spread. and i almost never look at the companion book until ive had enough time to form my own opinions of the cards first.

hope it helps. enjoy your new deck!


oh, puppydung and i must have just posted at the same time. but there ya go-- thats the spread. its really great!



Thanks for sharing the spread. I'm going to definitely use it.
