tarot and energy drain


hi all. is it possible to experience an, "energy drain," when reading the cards? what i mean by that is; say if your're reading about a situation or a person from a distance. can you actually pick up their energy to such an extent, that is drains you? its hard to explain the feeling; it just feels like extreme tiredness, dragging, heavy kind of feeling. even if you haven't been reading on something alot. has this ever happened to anyone? if so, what causes it? could it be that you actually pick up the other persons vibes or energies surrounding them at the moment? i have read drinking water helps, i agree. well, what if you are drinking enough water, and are grounded, and it still seems to happen? one more question when you are reading is it possible that the person or persons you are reading on can actually in some way feel your energies? any insight on this greatly welcomed!


I find that any readings tend to drain me a little mentally. Though not in the way your speaking of. I don't think I pick up on anyones energies and add them to mine. I mean yes in the reading I do but they don't transfer to my body/mind like your speaking.

The draining I speak of is just a sort of tiredness from concentrating and spending a deal of time interpreting. And being new at tarot involves not being sure about a lot of things as well. I really only do at the most a few (3 maybe 4) readings in a week so as to not drain myself to much and taint my readings themselves.

I think in time I may feel less of a mental tired when doing readings and more able to just do them without much after affects to my energy so to speak. It's a practice thing really at least for me.


I used to find this alot when reading. I think you can actually get books on the topic of psychic protection. I know it's probably just a way of asking the subconcious mind to create a bubble of loving protection around oneself to shield from negativity. You use alot of emotional energy sometimes when your read and psychic energy, i guess it's just part of the process and it can be draining like any other work. I heard about drinking water also and grounding. In my opinion very little can be done to avoid this at times.

I also do reiki which i find if you are trying to hard, you can drain yourself and actually block the healing. I wonder if it's the same with tarot, you drain yourself when you are not allowing the natural process of life to flow, when you are trying to hard. I've read alot on the law of least effort, it seems to be a spiritual law that the more we push the less happens, the more drained we become.

Start maybe to see reading as more of a pleasure more fun, i find when i'm trying to be perfect this happens. Try ease up on yourself maybe rather than trying to be right all the time. I'm just speculating that you have the similar problem as me, if not discard the above :)

I'm reading a book about toxic emotions at the moment. I do believe that some people are negative and surrounded by negativity, i'm learning how to protect against this so i will let you know. I find stopping reading helps, feeling drained is your bodies stress response, it's telling you to stop, slow down and reevaluate, come back to it later when you are more refreshed. Do you push yourself to hard perhaps?

Again alot here is speculation, so i apologise if it's not relevant. I'll let you know if i find anything further on the subject.
Good luck and let me know if you get any concrete feedback on this :)

p.s Another quick thought- the third eye is a muscle like anything else in my oppinion and needs to be used and as it does it stretches and i know after i use any muscle for too long i start aching, so maybe it's a sign of growth. I know after i horse ride i ache for days , but after doing it for months , i barely feel a strain. Perhaps the same applys with our psychic development.


thank you both for your replies! very good insight on this, ambieance
! alot of what you said, i had no idea about. any and all of it applies to what i am talking about. if you have any further insight on this, i would love to know. the input is very much appreciated! trying to learn all i can.


Very interesting observations ladyofhearts.

I definitely belive in energy, and I am rather sensitive to the energy and "aura" if you will...that other people have around them.

I have found that reading cards for people who aren't sitting across from me can indeed be draining. I never really looked at it before, but yes, I DO feel an energy drain if a client is asking me about a loved one or someone else.
oddly, if I see somethng in the cards about a client's loved one on my own, without them asking, I find no tiredness or drain at all.

And really, most of the time I do readings, I find that I get MORE energetic because I am exchanging energy with the person across from them during the reading. It's really afterwords that I can feel tired and dull.

I'll have to experiment more with this.


Love this thread! It depends on the reading, but sometimes I've been so drained by a reading that I've had to take a walk to clear my head. When I read 15+ people in a row at a festival or party, I get "3rd eye strain" too!

At least I sleep like a rock when that happens.


I've rarely felt an energy drain -- unless I also felt the person didn't take the reading or me seriously, or that I couldn't connect, and then it was more likely just my feelings making me feel drained. A reading shouldn't drain you.

Do you ground yourself?


i dont usually find drain unless my protection is down and usually i get a message from my guides to sort it out. Reading tarot is the same as working at my day job, i dont find it extra draining then working normally


In the beginning I found myself getting very tired when reading for people with a LOT of stress. When I do my readings, I pick up on the energy, emotions, moods and feelings behind the situation and "live" it objectively (feeling but not existing in it) and at first it was very emotionally and mentally exhausting as I think I wasn't yet adapted or used to shielding myself and was taking on everything. Now, I see it objectively, neutrally, I sense and feel the energy involved but I am present as a witness, so it washes off, and I haven't had that problem since. I also naturally ground and clear myself since I made it an intentional habit to do so and it's become automatic. I find I only get any kind of bad feelings now from a reading when the person asking the question is either asking the same question over and over from a position of fear or anxiety, and is trying to project on me.


ladyofhearts said:
hi all. is it possible to experience an, "energy drain," when reading the cards? what i mean by that is; say if your're reading about a situation or a person from a distance. can you actually pick up their energy to such an extent, that is drains you? its hard to explain the feeling; it just feels like extreme tiredness, dragging, heavy kind of feeling. even if you haven't been reading on something alot. has this ever happened to anyone? if so, what causes it? could it be that you actually pick up the other persons vibes or energies surrounding them at the moment? i have read drinking water helps, i agree. well, what if you are drinking enough water, and are grounded, and it still seems to happen? one more question when you are reading is it possible that the person or persons you are reading on can actually in some way feel your energies? any insight on this greatly welcomed!

I don't want to say anything is impossible, as I only know my experiences and they may differ from those of others. But I personally don't strive to (and I don't beleive I do) connect with the energy of the querent at all. I don't beleive I pick up their energy at all.

My way of reading is to try to connect to my angels, who to me are a source which knows all in all directions of time. When I ask a question, it is they whom I work to connect to and my belief is that my answers come from them. The energy of the angels is always pure and loving and energizing, it would never be draining.
