Ever dreamed of a deck that isn't real?


I just wanted to know if I'm not the only one how has ever had a tarot deck appear in their dream that they know isn't real.

The deck that was in my dream last night, I found it to be really ugly. The people were terribly disproportionate. They all seemed so angry and full of malice, and there wasn't a woman in sight. In the background, twisted and distorted demons mocked the people in the foreground. The setting appeared to be in the wild west, but the people were wearing medieval clothing. There was a metallic gold used throughout the cards, that would shine if you turned them.

Now, I think the reason they have stuck with me so much is because the suits were renamed. There was a suit of Axes (which I think were Wands) and the suit of Cups became Keys.

Even though the images on the cards were awful, I would love to use a deck where Cups had been renamed to Keys. I don't even know why, but it's just very appealing to me.

So, has something like this happened to anyone else? Do any of you remember what these imaginary cards looked like?


Can't say I've ever had a dream like that, but your description of the deck sounds fantastic. In a creepy sort of way, like the Deviant Moon :p I'm not too keen on Axes, but Keys does have a certain appeal to me too. Was there anything else interesting about the dream that you remember?


I get dreams like that about once a year, usually around the time of harvest moons/Samhain. I think it's my pagan side coming out. ;) Usually they're pretty dark, as you've described. Haven't had one yet this year, but am awaiting it with great anticipation!


I dunno, I kind of like the idea of axes. :D

I've never in my life dreamed of a Tarot deck. But I wonder if this might be the sort of impetus that deck creators get?


I had a dream once about I deck I thought didn't exist. Well, it wasn't really the deck, just the High Priestess, she appeared in a dream and she was standing in the back yard of a house we'd been to look at with two big trees in the back yard, one dark and one light. Anyway, some time later I was browsing on Aeclectic and came across the Robin Wood deck and there she was. I went and bought the deck right away. Of course I hated it :laugh: but figured I was meant to use it because of the dream. So I spent the next few years trying to make the deck work for me. I made some modifications but eventually gave up even though it did read fairly well for me. I still have my Robin Wood and still have a love-hate type of relationship with it. It's certainly a deck I won't ever part with anyway.


LotusSong said:
I just wanted to know if I'm not the only one how has ever had a tarot deck appear in their dream that they know isn't real.
About four or five months ago now, I had a series of dreams, 24 hours apart, in the last half-hour or so before waking up of a morning. In each of these dreams there was a white station wagon similar to the last car I owned (but a different year model), a particular corner on a stretch of road that was consistent between the dreams but which I have never seen when awake, a pine tree (pinus radiata), the theme of searching for a person, and two layers of Tarot.

Two layers? Let me explain. In all those dreams I am either carrying a deck (a deck I don't identify as a particular one but which in the dream I knew was mine) or actually doing a reading using the bonnet of the car as an impromptu table.

The second layer was that in all of this series of dreams, I *knew* that I was a figure in a Tarot deck, as were all the other people I interacted with, and the scenery I was moving through, and the events that were happening. Living, moving Tarot cards. It was fun.

I must have done whatever dreamwork was necessary, because the dreams, which were all lucid, stopped. And I know there is nothing left to heal or process, because in the time since, I have all-but-forgotten them. The dreams that stay with you, are dreams you still need to work on.


Maybe you should make a deck like that, well, without the ugly people. :D


I love the idea of a creepy distorted deck with axes and keys! What a great image! and cups=keys is really a cool idea. The way in, is with the heart. Nice

Reminds me of when I dream of a certain cemetery, which has tombstones seemingly designed by Giger with weird lifesize distorted statues in agonizing poses.

But as for dreaming about decks...yeah, I dream decks, and individual cards all the time. Some of them I have actually tried to recreate.


Actually, the ugly people might be useful in the divinatory sense!