Problem with reading my kids?


I was wondering if anyone has ever had a problem reading for children. My kids find what I’m doing very interesting and ask if I will do a reading for them. As a parent and a somewhat novice at TAROT I do my best at guiding them in their questioning. I find that I can kind of get a sense of what’s going on in their lives, but find myself mostly lost on what the cards are saying. When I ask my deck (s) a question about them for the day , month, year est. I get the feeling that there is to much information in the cards to decipher.

Is this because their little minds are going 100 miles a minute? Or is it because their future day, month, year est. has not been shaped?

Note, when I do a reading about one of them in private, meaning not present, I do alright. Is this a confidence thing that is happening to me, or maybe something that is taboo that I have not read about? Not that a taboo thing would stop me from doing anything. I tend to dig further when something is forbidden or comes with a warning label attached.


I can tell you for a fact that it is very, very difficult to read for the people who are closest to us, because what the cards say might not mesh with what we think they should say.

I can tell you that my mother (who was a professional tarotista) never could read for me. She still does sometimes, but her results, while spot on with others, are often misinterpreted for her kids. It actually put me off the tarot for decades, because when I was a child, she gave me a reading that was so grossly inaccurate. My learning to read them at all was based on a random whim- I still don't know where it came from.

It's okay if you can't read with them there. Everyone has limits. Maybe you can read for them when they aren't there and give them the results later?


Put off tarot by an inaccurate reading........ I don't want to do this.


I dont have kids of my own to read for but if it means anything to you i find it difficult to read for anyone who is close to me and especially for myself.
Especially if i am reading for a partner etc i feel like i am reading on an aspect of myself and these readings are often inaccurate due to my closeness to these people/situations.


Instead of reading for them, you could try reading with them. Let them pull one card for "something to think about today" from a deck with suitably child-friendly images (I see you have the Universal Waite; that's a nice deck for what I'm talking about). Then talk about what they see and how it makes them feel, etc.


littlestar said:
I dont have kids of my own to read for but if it means anything to you i find it difficult to read for anyone who is close to me and especially for myself.
Especially if i am reading for a partner etc i feel like i am reading on an aspect of myself and these readings are often inaccurate due to my closeness to these people/situations.

How does one remove themselves in order to read for a family member?
Is there any techniques that can be learned when reading for my children?


Debra said:
Instead of reading for them, you could try reading with them. Let them pull one card for "something to think about today" from a deck with suitably child-friendly images (I see you have the Universal Waite; that's a nice deck for what I'm talking about). Then talk about what they see and how it makes them feel, etc.

This I can do. Matter of fact, I have indirectly done such. I've caught my youngest, six, playing with the deck and encouraged her to look and tell how she feels about the images on the cards she finds of interest.

How does one go from there?

I don’t want to lose her interest.


My daughter, at 17, is proud of what I do and tends to tell everyone (including teachers!), but is completely uninterested in learning or having a reading. Like using the internet, Tarot is something dorky and uncool that fat old mothers do.


nisaba said:
My daughter, at 17, is proud of what I do and tends to tell everyone (including teachers!), but is completely uninterested in learning or having a reading. Like using the internet, Tarot is something dorky and uncool that fat old mothers do.
:laugh: well, she may soon change her mind on that! lol!

ocasderi, i have problems reading for some relatives. my daughter especially. i can read for my mother though--like a charm! and usually i can read for my sister(s)--but not always. it depends on the situation. I have no problem reading for my nieces or nephews either. but the kid--oh my! and my one sister--i can only read for her on work issues. any other question - the cards don't make any sense at all! she reads tarot too---and she agrees that the cards never make any sense if it is on any topic other then work.

my ancestors who were readers, had a strict rule, (well, fairly strict) that was "NEVER READ FOR FAMILY MEMBERS!" period! they rarely ---- if ever would read for family members. now, as I said, that rule was only 'somewhat strict' because once in awhile we could get a reading from them. but my mother would NEVER read for us kids. she does read for us in the crystal ball now, but rarely!

I think that is because you are too close to the situation, and so the cards cannot make sense. nothing to worry about though. it's a very common thing.

oh, nisaba--my kid (now 27) is a great reader! she reads tarot and the crystal ball, and is a psychic medium too. however, her hubby doesn't like it, so she only reads once in awhile. she can read well for me--finds it hard to read the cards for herself though. and, she's been reading the tarot since she was about 16 or 17, and the crystal ball since 21. or maybe it was 18? now i cannot recall when we got her the ball. but she IS good! maybe your dau. will change her mind. :laugh:


It's also kind of intrusive. My mother knew so much about me, as all parents do--I wanted some privacy and breathing room as my own life developed.