Charging crystals and help finding the right crystals


To charge crystals with my intent, is it as easy as holding it in my hand and speaking my intent?

What crystals would be best for communication telepathically with some not close by physically and what crystals would be great for mental powers such as helping improve your mental abilities, concentration, focus etc.? What about incense?


I hope you have some time to seach this forum, there have been a few great threads about how to 'program' your crystal if that is your intention
-- people have various opinions how this 'works' so my advice is give it ago and see if it works for you

IMHO for focus - Malachite
for telepathic ommunication Tanzanite



" i charge my crystal laying out in the sun for awhile then program it like holding it in between my palms as i vizualise a white bright light shining on my crystals as i say my intention... while doing this, there is a tingling feeling, at times quite strong vibrations."


Charging crystals

I have a quartz crystal cluster that I use to cleanse/charge my small quartz pendant and also a pendulum. Clusters never need charging and if you don't have a good place to put in the sun or moonlight (I used to, but now that I'm in a townhouse, not as easy to put out and not have someone snag them!), they're a great way to go to charge your crystals.


angelite is good for telepathic communication, talking to angels/guides