my first reading for a stranger


Hi gang,

Just a quick story. You very likely will not be the least bit interested, so feel free to proceed to the "back" button at any time.

The gist is that last saturday night, I read for a stranger for the very first time. By stranger, I mean someone who I absolutely don't know anything about. One of my friends has a new coworker who he brought along to hang out at my place, and she couldnt help but notice my collection, and asked for a reading.

From the very beginning, she was very apprehensive to tell me much. I asked her if she had a question, and of course she said no. So I asked her just to choose a general area of life (eg, work, relationship, home) because I didn't feel very comfortable attempting a general reading for her. I'm not sure why, but something about the way she asked me to read for her made it clear that she was really in need of it.

So she picked relationships, and wow! I started reading and just found a flow I had never really found before. She got very wide-eyed at first, and giggled nervously a bit. I guess I was a bit in the zone, and didnt even notice until the end that she was in tears. She said I was about 90% accurate, and wanted more clarification about whether or not to stay with her boyfriend or not, so I did a decision spread. By the end of that, she was full-out weeping. Once she had calmed down she started telling me that she has never believed in anything spiritual before, but in that short time I had managed to completely change her mind.

It was such an intense experience and such an awakening for me to the kind of force tarot can be.

Overall, it was an excellent introduction to the world of reading for strangers. Hope I can be that "on" every time. And the funny thing is that despite all the fancy decks I've been buying, it was Robin Wood that I used for the reading. Just wanted something simple and clear, and was it ever.

Um, I guess I don't have a question or anything. Just wanted to share my experience. Its constantly amazing to me how much joy I've been getting from tarot since the first moment I discovered it. I really do think that it and I are going to be together a very long time.

Thanks for reading to the end! :-D


Sounds great - glad it was such a positive experience, & hey, you helped someone!


Congratulations on doing your first reading for a complete stranger! It sounds like a memorable experience indeed. Thank you for sharing your story! :)


It sounds like it was a positive experience for everyone involved!

The accuracy of the cards never ceases to amaze me...


How cool is that!? Way to go. You did great!

Astraea Aurora

That's great. Congrats. :thumbsup:

Astraea Aurora


that was totally awesome!!!!

Congratulations on the first step to greatness.........

now you finally took that plunge......where toooo next ? lol.....

love to hear more stories like that......



thanks for your kind words everyone. it really was such a great experience. it really felt like my cards were almost relieved to have something real to say for once. my own life is pretty well in-place at the moment--steady job, steady, happy relationship-- so my cards must get pretty sick of me asking everyday, "tell me what i should know today" and having to say back to me "THERES NOTHING TO KNOW! ITS THE SAME AS YESTERDAY!" haha.

so i think if theres really anything i learned from the experience, its that when many of the long-time, very experienced members here on AT are always yelling at us newbies to put the books down and just get out there and read, they might <might> just be right. :-D


Most readings fade into obscurity, but you'll remember at least bits of this one for the rest of your life. <smile>


Magic.. I love this. Thanks for sharing.. with her and with us. You done good. :D