Tarot in 1969 - spaced out


A question for the Senior Citizens of the Tarot world.

Was anyone here reading regularly in 1969? (I was a little young).

Around the Big Event for the year, where there any pertinent cards that insisted on keeping coming out - the Moon, the Chariot?

Also, does anyone know if any astronauts at all on any mission from any nation have taken Tarot cards into space? I know readings might have certain problematical physical issues, but actually taking a deck into space even if you don't open it might be nice. I wonder if the Earth card or the Pentacles suit would sulk and refuse to show ...


I wasn't reading on it I was living it. Which big event are you thinking of? For we oldies there were probably more than one :)


AJ said:
I wasn't reading on it I was living it. Which big event are you thinking of? For we oldies there were probably more than one :)
I don't remember where I was when John Lennon, or Elvis, or Kennedy died, but I sure-as-hell remember *exactly* where I was when man first walked on the moon!

Astraea Aurora

Interesting question nisaba! My parents didn't even subconsciously think about me in 69, my older siblings were just born in 68 and 69.

Astraea Aurora :grin:


nisaba said:
I don't remember where I was when John Lennon, or Elvis, or Kennedy died, but I sure-as-hell remember *exactly* where I was when man first walked on the moon!
Can't manage Elvis, but I can do the others..... I'm old enough - but I wasn't reading - or even collecting - then.


How interesting. I was 13 but didn't get my 1st deck till about 2 years later. Hopefully, somebody will know.


I remember where I was for all four events.
The moon walk, I was gathered around the TV (black and white) with my boss and two co-workers, drinking Oly beer.

Personally, of the 4 events I think the moon walk was the least important...big fat waste of tax dollars and still is as far as I'm concerned.


I agree AJ
We walked on the moon and have done bott all worth mentioning really in space since!

Sorry for the diversion but my BF and I were talking about this yesterday.

Sarah x


In those days:

I took a polaroid of the TV screen showing the figure of a man standing on the lunar surface. Not sure which one it was. I still have the polaroid; you can still see the figure but it's hard to make out much of anything else. No digital nothing then.

I was just learning tarot in 1969. Actually I didn't learn it until sometime in 1970. I bought my step-daughter a tarot deck, the Hoi Polloi, not realizing what it was (from the Sears Christmas Catalogue, no less). We played card games reasonably often for family entertainment and she was always wanting to play cards with her cousins. I stuffed the deck in her stocking. After Christmas Day had passed, she brought the deck to me saying that it was not the usual deck and, most disturbing, it didn't have any hearts in it. She loved to play hearts. I looked at the deck and was captured at that very moment.

Elvis had hit the scene when I was about 13. I loved "Heartbreak Hotel" when I first heard it. Our school cafeteria was being renovated and we were eating cold bologna sandwiches and prune plums in the auditorium. Someone hooked up a radio to the public address system and out came Elvis singing Heartbreak Hotel. That would have been in 1955 or thereabouts. By the time of which we're speaking, he'd turned to polyester, drugs & Las Vegas and I'd turned to denim, growing corn and strawberries in my backyard and trying to quit smoking. I was sad when he died, but not overwhelmed.

The tarot will sometimes seem to be telling me about people close to me or people I am about to see. The only public event of the sort you mention concerned the 9/11 trade center. That year in August, I kept getting The Tower in almost every spread I did that was larger than 3 cards. I couldn't figure it out, and the card didn't make sense in the context in which it appeared most of the time. Didn't matter what deck I used, either. Of course, I didn't have a clue about what was going to happen during the next month. And, it didn't occur to me at all that the tarot might have gone literal in its messages.

I'm almost glad it didn't. Whatever would I have done? I'm certainly not cut out to be a Cassandra.


Thank you, Greycats! Interesting and thoughtful. (And you know how to spell "Grey"!)

Regarding your Tower experience, I had something similar-but-different many years later, probably OT because it didn't involve Tarot.

One morning I woke up after a nightmare. The nightmare had no visuals, but it had the body-sensations of being in a really fast car rockin' and rollin' along, with a shrill and rather unpleasant woman's voice very near me screeching "Faster, faster!" and an accented man's voice saying "I'm going as fast as I can!" Then I felt the impact (without being hurt - just the sudden turning-stop) and heard a sort of double-crunch of metal, and came awake suddenly as my alarm was going off. I figured the dream was about the shock of being woken by the alarm clock and dismissed it.

Now, I was in my thirties then (I don't remember what year this public event happened in, but I know what decade), and up until many years later, TVs were something I only ever turned on at or after 3.00pm for the kids' afternoon shows, and they showed nothing of interest to me at all until the evening. And I was a Public Broadcaster afficionado, avoiding commercial stations altogether (on the rare occasions I don't, it reaffirms the decision to do so). I was *completely* unaware that there were such things as breakfast news shows, and *completely* unaware that commercial broadcasters didn't do bulletins of hard-news-only with one presenter for the whole of it and a weather person to finish up in the last few minutes.

Given all of that, I shocked myself by, before my first cup of tea and therefore on Automatic Pilot, drifting over to the TV mindlessly and switching on a commercial broadcaster.

There was a show on that I thought must have been some kind of inferior drama: a panel of two people, a man and a woman, with a satellite team of two others, also a man and a woman, discussing the "death of the Princess". If it was a play, is was horribly written - it really needed crafting by a decent editor. They never even told me how this mystery princess had died, and I turned it off before the play ended. I'd never in my life seen a news programme following that four-person format, so I thought that, in the style of HG Wells' radio drama "The War of the Worlds", it had to be a work of fiction. And they kept not mentioning the name of the princess. So I got the kid breakfasted and dressed, and did a little housework while she watched Playschool, then we grabbed our stuff and left to meet friends, her to play in the playground with assorted kids, me to have Cappucchino with other parents.

All of whom were already talking about "how terrible it was" before I even got there.

What was terrible?

Haven't you heard? Princess Diana died in a car crash overnight.

And the dream came back to me in full force. I vomited on the spot. I'd BEEN there in the fr*ggin' car, AND I'd heard the news bulletins, and I STILL didn't know!

But I suppose none of this helps me to find someone who was regularly reading at around the time of the Lunar Landing, to whom such things were important, and who may or may not have noticed the Moon card coming out statistically more often than usual at the time.

Hmmm ... what members around here are even older than moi and have been reading forever, that I can pester by PM ...