re reading a question (after significant events)


Lately, I've been really into horary astrology and there's this *rule that a question cannot be re asked unless significant events transpire that causes the first reading to become invalid. In horary astrology, there's also such a thing as asking a question, too early.

Does the same hold true for tarot? With tarot, is it also best not to read up on an "unstable situation" and should the reader wait until the situation has stabilized/ formed more before attempting to read? Also, if there is such a thing as asking a question to early, what have you found to be an indicator for this?

* rule is debatable. Some astrologers do not allow for questions to be re read.


It seems there's a general consensus that one shouldn't read on the same question until the situation has changed in some way. It's not really a rule, as such. But in my experience the cards get grouchy if you hassle them over the same question, and will start giving you nonsense answers.

I don't know about asking a question "too early" ... too early for what, I wonder?

I'm guessing astrology is different to tarot in this sense, because it relies on celestial bodies - external influences - to work.

But tarot readings aren't set in stone. If the situation changes and nullifies the reading, you can simply do another one taking into account the altered circumstances.


papercut said:
It seems there's a general consensus that one shouldn't read on the same question until the situation has changed in some way.

By its nature the future is always changing so there will eventually be a change. What if you had an erratic sitter- would it even be helpful to read them? For example, you predict that the sitter will work things out with their husband and a divorce is unlikely but then after you give the reading you learn that the sitter just revealed to her husband that she had an affair. Would this constitute a redo or did tarot already take this into account?

papercut said:
I don't know about asking a question "too early" ... too early for what, I wonder?

In horary, I learned that a question is "premature" if the situation hasn't formed enough. Sometimes, you have to wait for events to unfold before you can read up on it. I wonder if in tarot this is the same, too (hence why a lot of readings don't go as planned).

I ask this question because (from what I have observed so far) tarot seems to do a better job of taking into accounts significant events. However, I wonder if there is a threshold, even for tarot, when you just have to redo the question? Sorry if my question is confusing. If it is, just let me know and I will try to reword. I'm not really good at asking clear questions...


olivia1 said:
By its nature the future is always changing so there will eventually be a change. What if you had an erratic sitter- would it even be helpful to read them? For example, you predict that the sitter will work things out with their husband and a divorce is unlikely but then after you give the reading you learn that the sitter just revealed to her husband that she had an affair. Would this constitute a redo or did tarot already take this into account?

welllllll, people can and do patch things up after an affair has taken place sometimes :)

Do you mean that you do the reading first, predict a good outcome, and following the reading the sitter reveals the affair to their partner?

In this case re-reading would be okay, as the situation between them would now be altered.

Or do you mean that you would do a reading, predict a good outcome, but then the sitter informs you that they have recently admitted to having an affair to their partner?

In that case I wouldn't re-read. Because even if you personally are not aware of the full circumstances when doing the reading, the cards should still reflect those circumstances and the likely outcomes, if you know what I mean. As a reader, your job is simply to interpret what the cards show, and you will never have *all* the details of the sitter's situation anyway.

olivia1 said:
In horary, I learned that a question is "premature" if the situation hasn't formed enough. Sometimes, you have to wait for events to unfold before you can read up on it. I wonder if in tarot this is the same, too (hence why a lot of readings don't go as planned).

I ask this question because (from what I have observed so far) tarot seems to do a better job of taking into accounts significant events. However, I wonder if there is a threshold, even for tarot, when you just have to redo the question? Sorry if my question is confusing. If it is, just let me know and I will try to reword. I'm not really good at asking clear questions...

When I read, the knowledge that the future isn't set in stone and that the situation may change is always at the back of my mind. I don't really consider there to be a threshold between it being too premature to read and somehow ready, however. Because the idea of a situation not being "formed" enough doesn't really make sense to me - what constitutes a formed situation? Things are constantly changing and evolving and in flux, and I simply read when I want insight into specific aspects of the fluctuation, if that makes sense.

tarot is the only divination method I use, so I am not familiar with the way things are done in astrology. I'm sure that influences my view on things.


Since I believe that for me, tarot tells me about what's there and what might be, as against what WILL be I don't think it is ever too early. Anyway, if so something like the Wheel of Fortune will probably turn up. Cards have a way of telling you if it isn't a useful question.

As for re-reading for me it comes down to "would this be useful, and if so why?" If re-reading is just to try and get the cards you want as against the cards you got, not useful. If re-reading is to get a new insight and/ or because things have changed, then why not.

I'd think long and hard about using exactly the same wording though.


I think i can just about understand what your trying to ask Olivia1,and i think its all dependant on the querent,what they ask/what they really want to know.Sometimes its enough for the querent just to hear if maybe theres any potential there,nothing concrete/guaranteed,but the right surroundings/environment if you like.Good point about predicting a sitter will work things out,and divorce is unlikely,but,maybe thats just why she'd tell her husband about her affair after,she wants out,deep down she knows shes not "the one"but needs proof of if her husband just needs her/wants her..there 2 completely different things,so after telling him,if he needs her,he'll cling on and wont hear of divorce,but if he only wants her,the average man would tell her to go straight away.If shes only tied to the marriage out of need(which would be why shes probably entered an affair in the first place),then maybe the reading is just to clarify this feeling for her,she knows her hubby dont really want her,he justs needs/expects her to do what he expects of her,yet if ever she mentions leaving he'll spill her the usual b******t of "i love you",and maybe she's had enough of the "but i love you",and just wants out,once and for all,he'll never admit it,and thats why she's turnt to the cards,and another man has had her time/attention.


papercut said:
welllllll, people can and do patch things up after an affair has taken place sometimes :)

Do you mean that you do the reading first, predict a good outcome, and following the reading the sitter reveals the affair to their partner?

In this case re-reading would be okay, as the situation between them would now be altered.

This is what I mean :) I wasn't sure if in tarot, the cards take into account that the querant is erratic. I know for some of my readings, the cards do, but not always ;)

Aerin said:
Since Anyway, if so something like the Wheel of Fortune will probably turn up. Cards have a way of telling you if it isn't a useful question....
I'd think long and hard about using exactly the same wording though.

Thank you, Aerin! This is very useful information and advice.


Fostha said:
I think i can just about understand what your trying to ask Olivia1,and i think its all dependant on the querent,what they ask/what they really want to know.Sometimes its enough for the querent just to hear if maybe theres any potential there,nothing concrete/guaranteed,but the right surroundings/environment if you like.

I always thought if someone did something erratic, I would maybe need to redo it. However what you say is a very good point, Fostha. I suppose some people do just want reassurance....


I use that rule for all forms of divination. I think it's a good principle. If someone I am reading for (using any form of divination I might practice) neglects to tell me something significant, then I reckon it will show up in the reading, including any effect it will have on the querent's life. If I don't see it, that's my failure as a reader.

In the scenario you give, a significant change would be: the husband forgives his wife for her affair, and suggest they start afresh; or reveals that he too has had an affair, which predates the wife's, and that makes the wife want to divorce him instead of saving her marriage. Or the man with whom the wife had an affair turns up and begs her to leave her husband and she is caught up between the two.

I tend to see the future, where human decisions are directly involved (such as a divorce), as possibilities, probabilities, rather than certainties - but again, that could be my failure as a reader to see all the facets of the question.

Also, I think we must pay close attention to the question: it's not the same to ask: "will my husband and I patch things up?" and "will my husband ask for a divorce if he finds out about the affair?" - nor do the answers to these questions imply any permanence. A couple can patch things up for a while, and then the marriage is in trouble again if the cause of the estrangement was not dealt with and remains active. Or the wife might decide she doesn't want to patch things up after all, even if the husband forgives her. Divination will give the answer to the question, and sometimes some inkling about these wider questions, but won't always give answers far ahead (although I find tarot better at the long view than many other forms of divination, even though it can be less precise than horary, say, which is capable of pinpointing exact facts/events and timing).


Fudugazi said:
I tend to see the future, where human decisions are directly involved (such as a divorce), as possibilities, probabilities, rather than certainties - but again, that could be my failure as a reader to see all the facets of the question.

That's ok. The future isn't set in stone, anyway, so I wouldn't personally count it as a failure :). Plus people are unpredictable (sometimes too unpredictable). I guess I was just wondering if after the reading the querant spontaneously just does something that messes up their chances (and therefore, could potentially seriously alter the future flow of events) would other readers still consider this new turn of events significant enough to warrant or justify a redo?

Or do you all feel that the cards somehow would have taken this into account? I'm not sure what to think. On one hand, I think a redo is important. On the other hand, you can also risk doing too many redos over things (though significant) are just things that are part of life (i.e big arguments, important revelations, ect). I would think tarot would take into account that major stuff happens...

Note: the example about the wife having an affair was just an example. I could think of a better one so I just used that one...