A variation of an old story


I've seen a few threads about missing cards, and a missing deck just suddenly and randomly disappearing. Some of them have offered great advice and explinations, others not so much. I'm just glad I'm not the only one with this sort of problem and I'm not going cook coo. ^_^

Recently (and by that I mean this past July) All three of my decks went missing. My Universal Tarot, my Animals Divine, and my favorite, the apple of my eye, Universal Fantasy Tarot. I mean, they just upped and <i>left</i>. All three of them, gone, vanished. History.

I have cleaned out the whole house, the car, the cooler (since the last day I had them was attempting to sell readings at a community sale). I had a friend do a reading for where they might be, she suggested a 'cold place'.

Frustrated (and suffering withdrawls) I bought the Favole Tarot deck. (which I just got yesterday) I did a reading with that, and would you believe, of all things I drew the High Priestess?

So my thing is, has anyone lost their whole collection of tarot cards at once? And how did they go about finding them, and if they might have an explination as to why these tools sometimes randomly disappear?

Also, anyone have any suggestions as to how to coax these decks out of 'hiding'? I'm absolutely grieving the loss of my Universal Fantasy deck.


Did you check the freezer?


On reading your post, my thoughts are that they've been lost/misplaced in your packing up from your days trading.
That's the only logical explanation I could come up with.
Either that or they just weren't into you after all and took themselves elsewhere!!:D
What you have now though is a very good reason to start rebuilding your deck collection.


This reminds me of Chronata's story of losing her favorite Hanson Roberts deck.
She had used a back pack to carry her stuff and she hung it on the back of a chair...and found it a year later ....she had forgoten she had used that back pack.
Sometimes the most obvious things slip our minds.

Briar Rose

that or, who had access to where you had the decks?


. . . fall out of the box/bag/whatever in the car & roll under the seat . . . like the yogurt I bought last summer (found it eventutually - unfortnuately/fortunately, cards don't start to smell. . .) . . .


This probably isn't the case, but some people HAVE had this happen:

Is there anyone in your household that is not happy about tarot cards being around?


Yes - LavendarLibra, that happened years ago in my house. My then-husband didn't like that our son had tarot cards & he took them & hid them, unbeknownst to son & I. When I finally left the marriage, I took those cards with me, & still have them - an old Marseilles deck!


My decks are incredible, they truly are. No sooner do I ask the advice of my peers and perchase a new deck that I was very satisfied with and about to buy the Gilded Tarot did they appear.

Found, by of all people my sister underneath boxes on the unused hearth. (a place that was cleaned out this past weekend anyways) Which is a very cold place in the house. I lost them in the dining room on the otherside of the house.

Oddly the quartz that I stored them with is now black when it was originally solid white. The energy patterns on the cards just feel clean slated.

I'll never understand it.

Thanks to everyone's suggestions, I actually did search my freezer. But I swear this is the most strange experience I've ever had with my decks. Still though, I would love to hear about people and their strange disappearing decks. It intrigues me ^_^.