What card might you suggest for meditation for a short temper


Specifically in my case raging bad PMS....I was shocked at myself at how an extremely trivial issue on a game thread on another forum in which the other person was absolutely correct set off a mental meltdown...at least I recognized it as unwarranted and didn't go ballistic in the thread (some days, not so lucky...:().

I'm thinking Justice, just as a simple reminder to slow down and actually weigh what is being said and to weigh the consequences of my actions, but wondering if anyone else had any thoughts.

Already have looked into the mental health aspects and nutritional aspects...it's a situation that I'm gradually improving on, and have made a lot of progress, but every little bit helps. :)


i have exactly your problem with PMS. They say SSRI helps, so check with your doctor.
As a deck for us I guess a soothing one like Paulina Tarot (check the study group forum) or Golden or Tochstone Tarot might be good.
Best wishes, Genna.


I think I would meditate on Temperance in that case- and sometimes I get wicked bad pms, too. :) You're not alone.


Yeah, Temperance would be a good one. Or else the 4 of Swords :)

I had a day a couple of months ago with the worst PMS I have ever felt. I was homicidal. I would have torn limb from limb anyone who got in my way that day. Needless to say, it frightened me!

\m/ Kat


I take a different approach...

I've gotten really terribly upset with my uber-douchy boss when Aunt Flow happened to be visiting, and I gave the King of Swords (undoubtably *his* card) a cathartic piece or two of my mind. Getting it out helped me get through it. "You're a tool, do you realize that? A TOTAL TOOL WHO DOESN'T GET TO TALK TO ME THAT WAY!"

Then, I stuck the card in the freezer for an hour or two so we could both chill out.

Meditate on the Four of Swords, Lather, Rinse, Repeat.

(Coincidentally, the next day at work was much more pleasant.)


endochronologically speaking...
one school of thought is that we are angry because we did not conceive a particular month and we get motivated to change everything (and if we were cave women--even our partners!) in a torrent of rage and that includes cleaning, sawing, hammering, bedspreads.

Therefore I would suggest NOT staring at the [3] mommy card as she might very well piss you off.
First impulse is to agree with [ 14 ] as a chemical balance to the IMbalance that is pms is [ 14 ] reversed. But I find too many times that [ 14 ] can be one insensitive repair and almost a grand dad kind of fix. And that is not serene enough for me.

Counter-intuitively I would focus on the Moon Card [18] because it reminds us that our outrage is VALID and temporary and cerebral and granted to us by our physical assignment. The creativity that can come with insanity. Work with what you have.


Try the Knight of wands, RWS.

Consider the activities of the horse (body) not yealding to the rider (spirit)

Hence the fire around the knights activities.

Though the MOON is a good choice coupled with TOWER.



All of the Aces, in a rotation.

The Star.

The Ten Coins/Pentacles.

Any Chariot being pulled by statues, or with wheels at right angles to the direction of motion.

the World (knowledge and acceptance of cycles).

The Empress (she knows what you are going through!)

All of the fours, which are stable and slow to change.

All of the threes, which ground you.


I am having a real problem with rage this week. Uncontrollable rages. It's not PMS.

Thank you all for what you have all posted so far and I am interested in anything else anyone else has to offer.

I've never dealt with anything quite like this. It's overwhelming, scary and dangerous. I'm having to spend a lot of time self-soothing and walking away from other people.

I'm going to have to scan and print out some of these cards, enlarged, and hang them on the wall, and carry them around with me.

Maybe print out some coloring pages.

As I said any more tips are appreciated.


All posts very much appreciated. Temperance is a good thought....poor thing seems to be the card I always forget about, so visiting with him/her might be a good thing. :)

Grounding and stability good.

Interesting thoughts in general. This thread has given me a lot to think about.
