Male or Female

Golden Moon

What do you consider your tarot decks to be?

So far, I get the feeling all my Tarot Decks are females, Unless theres a transgender in there :D...

I guess, I'd have to interview them all to see what they say.


Wow - that's quite the question. I kind of talk to my deck as I'm shuffling & getting ready to ask a question. So, am I talking to the deck or the cards? hmmm Can a deck be a "collective personality" (for want of a better term), both male & female? That's how it feels to me, I think . . . pondering still . . .

Golden Moon

Jaqueline said:
Wow - that's quite the question. I kind of talk to my deck as I'm shuffling & getting ready to ask a question. So, am I talking to the deck or the cards? hmmm Can a deck be a "collective personality" (for want of a better term), both male & female? That's how it feels to me, I think . . . pondering still . . .

I look at one of my deckof cards and appear be "Males", But they have the personality of a Female (or viceversa).

The crowned one

Never thought about it, but now that you have put the question out there I would have to say I have never sexed them even unconsciously. I suppose on some abstract level I feel some are more child like then others and some more knowledgeable, but that may just be a emotional translation of my ability to read with different decks blended with my level of attraction, fondness to them.

All my decks are hermaphrodites :)

Golden Moon

The crowned one said:
All my decks are hermaphrodites :)

Ouch, lol... :D

I feel that mine have different personalities, such as Childish, Grumpy, or Wise.


Interesting question.

If I were going to assign genders to my decks, most of my Marseilles style decks would be male. The RWS would be male. The Thoth would be male.

But the Motherpeace would most definitely be female, as would the Shining Tribe, Thea's, Daughters of the Moon, and many others :).

Golden Moon

I feel that I have more Tarot & Oracle decks that are Females, or Females trapped in the Males body.


The Ironwing is essentially female and I think of it as one of those incredibly strong old women you meet from time to time. As strong as iron - lived a life we'd curl up and die if asked to cope with - and yet still able to talk to me without making me feel like a dimwit ....

I think it very much depends on the deck, the intention of the artist - and the reader - it's a subjective thing.

But the Ironwing - definitely a tough old boot with a shotgun and a shovel.


None of my decks have a gender, but some are masculine and some are feminine. Shame they don't have genitals, it would be great if they could just sit in their cupboard and breed a whole bunch of new little decks for me :laugh:


I just had great fun imagining some of the crosses ....... :bugeyed: