I wish... (suck up thread :D)


...that the people who insist that tarot is evil or invites evil spirits could meet the people on this board and really see them without prejudice clouding their eyes.

I have "met" the kindest, most generous people during my time on this board. I have never been part of a community that was so giving.

I love that I could send a PM to someone I'd only talked to online, half a world away, and ask a favor, and that they were happy to help me out. (And I would totally do the same for them!)

I love that the different viewpoints on this board are embraced and encouraged, and that I have never seen a hair flip or a flame war here. Disagreements are respectful.

I love that the people here are more interested in spreading the love of tarot than in making money- I would not have any of my most precious decks if not for the generosity of the people here.

This is my Thanksgiving thread. I'm thankful for Aeclectic, for the people who make up this community, for the mods that work SO hard to keep things cordial and tidy, for Solandia for making this all possible, and for having stumbled into what I think of as a haven on my journey. I hope it's not too presumptuous that I think of you all as friends.


I completely agree with you. This is a wonderful place, and it is ignorance that makes people believe such lies about tarot and those who practice it.
I am thankful for this place too! I don't think it is presumptuous for you to think of everyone here as your friends. I feel us AT members have a special bond. :heart: :D

Golden Moon

I feel the same way as you Amary, I've never felt so accepted by Society for what I do as my passion. AT is what I can call home:).

Now imagin if we could interact face to face?


AT is probably the nicest forum around - I've never come to another forum where everybody is so warm. PMs are a pleasure to exchange, people are generous and kind... so I echo the thanks :D


I love this place. <smile> Have you noticed, at least in the time I've been around, that the only real time there is discord on the forum is when there's some new person who is loud and has an axe to grind of the anti-Tarot type? And even then, most of them settle down eventually and everything is harmonious again.

I love this place. I don't know about Thanksgiving - every day I wake up alive and in not too much pain is a good day to me, and a day I give thanks for - I still don't look on new people with distrust, not unless they really radiate hostility. I was new myself, not all that long ago, and I was surprised that all I had to do was jump in and talk, and I wasn't getting slapped down for being a newbie who had no right to have different opinions all the time <grin>.

I love this place.


I'm so glad this thread was started. I'm still new here, but have felt accepted and welcome since day one. This is a wonderful place to hang out. I am so grateful that I was steered here, and I believe that I did not end up here randomly. I feel mushy about people here I have never met. There is a warmth and genuineness that just permeates from these purple pages. Sometimes I just read along with a thread and laugh out loud at the witty thoughts and comments (Nisaba, I am specifically thinking of something you said yesterday that had me laughing all day).

I am very grateful to be a part of this lovely community.


jcwirish said:
Sometimes I just read along with a thread and laugh out loud at the witty thoughts and comments (Nisaba, I am specifically thinking of something you said yesterday that had me laughing all day).
Surely not. I apologise. What me, cause laughter? That's very unspiritual of me. <inserts gag> <forgets to gag fingers>


This is a wonderful place, ain't it?! I've given a lot of thought to life *before AT*, how dreary & dull life was at times, comparatively speaking. The people here are awesome, caring & giving, with no thought for compensation. But it sure is fun to compensate too, feels great to give something back when you are able. It's probably the most unique website on the planet, & much of the reason belongs to Solandia & the mods. Even when I screw up you lightly crack my knuckles with kindness. Thanks!


That's a beautiful sentiment, Amary. I couldn't agree more about what a wonderful place this is, and how incredibly happy and grateful I am to have found it. It continues to shock me how incredibly kind, giving, and hysterical (!) a group of people has managed to converge on this plot of cyberspace.

I think I'm gonna be around here a long time to come... :-D


I am very thankful for AT, just the other day I was thinking on how nice the people here are, and how willing they were to include me into thier flock. So that we can all learn, discuss and share in our common love of Tarot.

I am thankful that after years of using this site to help me choose my next deck, advice for reading a card, and being a general lurker that I finally got the courage to join.

There is a reason why Aeclectic Tarot is often refered to as the number one tarot site in the world. It's because the memebers here make an effort to keep it happy and harmonious. If there has been some brutality here, I haven't seen it because our mods work hard to weed it out I'm sure.