Clearing Energies After Multiple Readings


If there is a thread on this already, no need to respond to this, just with a link to that thread would be appreciated.

If no...

...what are some things you do to re-center and clear your head/mind of energies after doing multiple readings for different people at a stretch?

Can be mental, can be tangible, words, ritual, simple acts, whatever... I'm just curious to see what might work for me.


I just had to totally revamp this post because posting links to search pages doesn't work, even though the links took me right to the search results when I first posted. I wonder why that is.

I like the energies to stay in my decks so I don't clear them in any way.


My habit is to shuffle the deck for a little while after I'm done reading, I keep shuffling until I feel the reading is fully dispersed from the cards and from me. I do this between readings also if I'm doing then concurrently. Then I just go do something else, usually eat, cause I'll be hungry by then.

It's a simple ritual, but works for me.


I just shuffle for a while, first it is calming to me, and second it seems to calm any feelings associated with the previous reading (at least in my mind :) )


Dont dwell on the readings given.
Thats being hooked in.

Slow intake of breath, slow exhale.

It helps to Neutralise mind.


I do what similia and Alta, shuffle. I talk to the querent and focus in on a possible question while I do and it brings the sitter's energy in the reading so the old energy leaves, in a sense.