Have the cards ever suggested you take a break???


I have done so many readings lately..actually in the past year that I started pulling cards to see if I should do less readings.. I know weird isnt it?? Anyway, I am trying to take a week or two off. so I am just checking here to keep up to date on what is going on... but if I start to comment or exchange will someone remind me that I am taking a hiatus for awhile??? Oh btw I broke my break last night because there was something I needed to know ... now you know how my diets usually go! LOL.. so what do you think do I have it bad or what?


I took a break of a few months, not because the cards told me to, but because I find myself with my eyes glazing over when I lay out spreads. I just got to a point where it was meaningless, and changing decks didn't help.

So I walked away, as I said, for several weeks, and focussed on other things in my life that badly needed attention. Came back, and everything worked perfectly.

Took another break when I was in an abusive relationship, wrapped all my decks up and put them away for my own protection, and I still felt so badly damaged by the whole thing that it was around a year or so after it all ended before I went and dug them out again. (and only then found that more than half my collection had been disappeared on me!) But that wasn't the cards telling me, so much as life telling me. In different ways, in both instances.


Actually I took a break for 20 years. I had some living I needed to do. I don't think that's necessarily the ideal length of time for a break however! It was just my path.

Best wishes!