Storyworld Cards


Has anyone been using the Storyworls cards as an Oracle?

And if so, what were the reading like? Were they accurate?

Did the cards work for reading with?

What do you keep the cards in with them being bigger than normal?

Ang x


I do not have them, but I have seen them in the shops.

They do look nice and I did think about them working as a oracle.


omg...just at first sight!

Wow, I REALLY love these. Just had to order them. Honestly you lot..... I haven't visited this forum for a few months, (due to my foundation dgree in early years TOTALLY taking over my life!), then i stop by and end up visiting amazon after seeing these beauties! Good job payday is in 2 days!!!!
I think I will find such plesure in taking in the details, and my girls (8 and nearly 10) looked just as taken with them as I am when they saw the scans!!!! I think we may return to some happy story times (instead of nintendo ds and dvd time!)
Can't wait for them to arrive.... and with all the new packs in the pipeline, the possibilities are endless!!!!
Tinkerbell, XXXX


Does anyone know if the book that's referred to has cards that come with it, or is it just a place to put the cards in the order you want to tell the story you want? I'm really interested in these, but I haven't seen anything yet about what the book includes.


Magpie9: the first set, simply known as 'Storyworld', comes with a book and 40 cards, and is the base set. The book contains ideas about how to use the cards, a short description of each of the cards (known as the key to the cards), and a few stories written using the cards. I like the book, and read it when I bought the set, but haven't used it since. The cards are enough! (Although, so far I've only used them for storywriting, not for oracular work).

Each card, by the way, has a series of questions/prompts on its back, which can help you look at the card in a focussed way.

Hope that answers some of your questions! The cards are really superb as story prompts and I sense they'd be a lot of fun as an oracle, too.


divining with the storyworld cards - long post ahead!

i was searching through the new age section when "Story World" called out to me from the shelf. i tried resisting the urge to buy it, but it felt like i just had to. i had thought they would simply be a wonderful game, but as i gazed at the cards i realized they could very well be my first oracle deck as well!

i first tried looking online to see if anyone had tried using this for divinatory purposes. after coming up relatively empty, i thought, "just open the box jammi and try it yourself!"

this week has been a very hard one for me in terms of work, even though i have recently gone on leave and have had a relatively light load this week. i have been feeling very "trapped" as of late. i decided to ask the cards:

what is the source of all this?

what do i need to do?

what am i looking for?

for the first few seconds the cards confused me when i first looked at them, but as i opened the book and looked through the card descriptions, i was astounded with how accurate this deck was! (i have never quite bonded so strongly with a deck in such a short time, and i've gone through 12 tarot decks!).

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what is the source of all this?

the eternal flame - light, eternity, transformation

" [...] if you need to transform something you no longer want, lay it in my fire and i will change it. if you feel friendless, my flame will light your way though the darkness [...] borrow a little of my light to lead you on your journey."

i have been feeling restless at work. everyday used to be such a different experience (i teach english as a 2nd language), but for the past 4 months i have been doing the same assignment that no one else will take. i thought what i needed was just a break, but i realize that looking at this card, what i want is a complete transformation.

also, last week while on break, i made an effort to reconnect with old friends. there is one friend in particular with that i have been having problems with, as she had practically cut me out of her life for almost a year, only to suddenly act like nothing had happened. i literally felt like i was "in the dark" about something!

what do i need to do?

charm of finding - rediscovery, new directions, adventure

"[...] made out of waters from the well of memory and wood from the wishing tree, where ever my arrow points, there you will find what you've lost. [...] when you have found what you were looking for [...] better to give me away to someone else who is searching"

i realized i needed a completely new direction in work, which is something i have not been brave enough to ask for. i WISH for different things, for adventure, which is what i loved about this job in the first place. as a teacher, i had new students and new classes every few weeks!

the word "memory" struck me as well. in order to deal with the loss of my friend, i had unwittingly buried and forgotten everything between us. it feels like in order to regain our friendship, i must look past imagined hurts and remember what made us such good friends in the first place.

however, this card also seems to warn me against the reason for my search. do i really want to rekindle the friendship? or do i simply want to know why she would cut me off like that, and then move on?

amazingly enough, this card has a small phoenix in the distance! (yes, as mentioned before in this forum, elements of other cards find their ways into others. it's amazing i found a pair in my first two cards!)

what am i looking for

The Grandfather - healing, old joys, patterns, growth

"i am the keeper of wisdom. i sit in the sun and remember the days gone by. in my garden i have planted a tree or a flower for every member of the family..."

(i would actually have to type the entire entry for the grandfather to have this make complete sense but this post is long enough as it is!)

this card reminds me of the fact that like this friend, i have had many friends i have lost touch with. i also yearn for wisdom in the situation, on light to dispel the dark. i too wish for growth in my work, that the lack of a new direction has left me stagnating.

most of all i seek healing. and like the grandfather in the image, i yearn for the quiet contentment i see on his face.

- - - - - -

that was supposed to have been the end of my reading. except as i was about to put the cards away, a strong gust of wind literally threw a card straight into my open palm: the keeper of dreams.

the keeper of dreams - dreams, guidance, vision, desire.

i feel this card represents the deck itself, as if truly saying, "yes, i can offer you guidance and the vision you seek". i also realized that as i have been growing more discontent and restless for the past week, i have been having vivid dreams that stay with me for hours after i wake.

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so in summary, i would have to say that this is a WONDERFUL deck. the images are breath-taking and beautiful, and i feel an INSTANT connection with the deck.

i will now have to buy the expansion sets, of course! oh dear! XD;;;;


Thanks for sharing. I have ordered some (main + Mad Professor's Workshop) and plan to use them as an oracle.


temporalhiccup said:
i was searching through the new age section when "Story World" called out to me from the shelf. i tried resisting the urge to buy it, but it felt like i just had to. i had thought they would simply be a wonderful game, but as i gazed at the cards i realized they could very well be my first oracle deck as well!

i will now have to buy the expansion sets, of course! oh dear! XD;;;;
Great first post! Do be a stranger!