Trim or not?


Just curious, do you trim or not?

As for me, I NEVER trim, and will NEVER do so.

Dusk Till Dawn

Nope, wouldn't do it either.


Here's a list of just a few of the threads on this one:

And - no, except for a Thoth I bought for that purpose, so that I could see the geometry without the borders getting in the way. I like my decks the way they arrived.


yes . . . YES . . . YES!!!!!

Love trimmed decks! My trimmed Thoth is da bomb, and my Wheel of Change, my Langustl :heart:, Tarot of the Master, DruidCraft - people I've sent trimmed decks to (Tarot of the Trance, Deviant Moon, Druid Animal Oracle . . .) have all loved them as well!

I love trimming.

\m/ Kat


Trimmed a Universal Waite to remove white borders, and have that blue sky on backs. I actually blistered my thumb knuckle on the scissors by the end of it all!

You will find that some cards look as if I cut off the spacing of PCS's writing (eg: Page of Cups, really all Pages) as she has it so far left-aligned to the border. Really study how the deck will appear if you're considering trimming!

Personally, I would not do this again, but I do like the results on this deck.


I love trimming too. I just love that 'cutting' feeling, the knowledge that I'm desecrating something's empowering.


I don't like new things or the feel of new things. I don't trim all of my decks, but my main deck is trimmed. Trimming and Umbrae-ing gives me freedom to not be concerned about damaging the cards when I handle them. To me it's just like when I get new cloths and they have to be washed a few times before I can comfortably wear them. Or when I get a new guitar and I sand the finish off of the back of the neck.

Plus the cards get smaller after being trimmed..., but

I showed them to my friend and he said he couldn't believe I would do that to a deck. So, to each his own, but I trim and age my main.


I've had my Rohrig since the mid eighties, and I love it. It has shown me so much truth, I could never bear to cut it. So when I heard Kat had a trimmed Rohrig, I traded her a new transparent for it. It was a great deal for both of us. I have since then only read with my original Rohrig when I couldn't find the trimmed deck.

It stunned me how much better it is for me to read from the images only. It helps my listening. The message of the card at that moment feels more free to me, unbordered. The text directs too much.

I also "Umbrae" my main decks. I think its funny, because you feel like a prize ass at first, with all these wobbly cards bungling your shuffling and looking all curvy. And your only way out is to keep using the deck. Then one day, they are flat again, and so much more "yours" for the change.

Never took scissors to a deck, I think I'd rather mail it to someone good at that, but I love love love that trimmed Roh.


I would be terrified of doing it myself, but since I like my cards on the smallish side anyway- I've found that collecting decks others have trimmed is perfect for me. :grin:


Oh yes. I've only trimmed 2 tarot decks so far, each for an Intensive Deck Study. The DruidCraft was just too big for me to handle, so I looked at the thread showing trimmed decks and cut to the picture - no border or titles. The second was a Master tarot, not because it was too large but because there was too much white around the image and it was really annoying. That deck just had the top and bottom removed.
I know that the artists/designers put time into deciding which borders to use, but occasionally some just kill the picture for me. Cutting the borders off (even the DruidCraft's border which I personally love) can liberate the image and, after all, these decks are the ones that I use for readings (when not doing an IDS). I wouldn't trim a deck that I didn't intend to use regularly.