Using deck images


I'm really not sure where else to post this, and I can't seem to get a straight answer anywhere.

I want to use deck images on instructional materials for a local class and the materials need to be available for download. There will be a charge for the class. Do I credit the deck creator and publisher or do I need to get additional permission? Anyone else doing this or have done this? Any help would be appreciated! Thanks :)


There was a thread some time back on this, I tried to search it out, but couldn't find it. Maybe someone could link to it. It was very informative. Something like using card images on blogs, but it went into the whole copyright issue.


Thanks for the link, I don't want to get in any trouble - I even tried calling US Games, and they kept transferring me :)


I'm not in any way qualified to offer legal advice, but I can't imagine US Games would bother you, or that they would even have a case, unless you are providing your students with high-resolution scans and encouraging them to make their own decks. Otherwise, what you are doing in no way infringes on whatever rights they may have to publish the images. Actually, it promotes their business, since your students will presumably be buying their own decks.

Also, a survey of the Web will show hundreds of sites reproducing card images, including some that show entire decks. The thread Canid referenced was a slightly different case, as she was considering using card images as part of the design in items for sale. Even then, there was a link to an article that questioned whether US Games even had any exclusive rights to the actual card images. I would include whatever copyright notice came with the cards and rest easy.