Tea and Tarot


Anyone ever do a reading after having matcha (if anyone unfamiliar with this, think green tea on steroids)? Like some people have a cup of tea or coffee every morning, I have matcha. Either in a smoothie, mixed and shaken in a water bottle or with 1/2 water, 1/2 oj. Monks have used it for centuries. Does have caffeine, but more of a mellow, sustained energy. Right now, I just added an extra dose and sitting here, drinking my smoothie, while Paris cd is playing on computer. I think it's time to pull some cards....


Have fun with it!

Matcha is wonderful, as are most forms of green tea, in creating a calm, focused yet meditative state of mind. Those monks were truly on to something.

Green tea and tarot are a wonderful match. :)



Thanks, Alec!

I use different one's, but Domatcha 2nd Harvest is one of my favs, particularly for smoothies or shaken up with oj. I've bought much more expensive ones directly from Japan, but this one is just perfection for my taste and....seems to go so nicely with tarot!

Oh, and LOVE your website, by the way.



while, i have tried the green tea, (and decided it was not for me), I have never heard of 'matcha'. perhaps i would consider trying this and seeing if i like it. got to find it first. :)


Ask, Dear Celtic and you shall receive....

I have used others and, unless you're doing ceremonial tea and are a true matcha connoisseur, I think this one is excellent taste (and it's great quality, great color, fresh). FYI, Amazon is about the least expensive and offers free ship. More on Domatcha's site. Second Harvest is great in a smoothie, as a tea, or just with a little water and oj shaken in a water bottle. I use about two teaspoons in a smoothie in the morning, I love it in low fat or non fat vanilla yogurt (nuke ice cream a few seconds and stir in matcha, then refreeze).

If you try it, particularly before readings (think would be a great starter to a long reading day), let me know your thoughts please.



I discovered an Asian grocery within reach of me, and very much missing the sow mee (white tea) of my youth, I went looking. Instead, I found Vietnamese Red Tea.

Had my first pot last night: it was experimental, and I found I need less than a teaspoon for a full pot. And yes, it really is red! (-dish). And yes, it tastes like a generic Asian tea jumping with antioxidants. And came in a metal container that I will recycle forever. After they start stocking my beloved Sow Mee, which comes in a yellow cardboard box, good for composting.

There is another thread on tea and tarot that you might enjoy.

Edited to add: for those who have been stalking me: fear not! I do *not* add soymilk to Chinese or other light teas!


Thanks for the info, Nisaba!

I'll check out the other link. Your tea sounds...interesting...I'm picturing red tea, and sounds good.



This thread is really not about tarot. If folks would like to discuss tea, I suggest Chat.
